Friday Offcuts 19 January 2024
Click to Subscribe - It's FREE! Welcome back from a long summer break. And for those in the northern hemisphere, we also hope you have had a strong start to the new year.In what is likely the first time in Friday Offcuts history, Brent Apthorp has not been working away into the small hours of the night bringing you the weekly editorial and news stories at the back end of every week. For the last 25 years, Brent has become a common sight in many inboxes and we thank him for his long service to the sector. While he hasn't retired just yet, I'm sure he’s already planning his next walk or mtb into Otago's stunning hill country. In forestry news, last month a story on NZ pine forests and its impact on soil research got a strong pushback from the sector. We’ve included below responses from both Scion and NZIF on how misleading, misinformed and damaging reports like this can be - especially when the real facts are being ignored. Planting trees makes the soil better, not worse. This month we also heard from an Australian Federal Court on regional forestry agreements in NSW. As Dr Michelle Freeman, president of Forestry Australia said, "Common sense has prevailed." With many rural forestry communities in Australia facing an uncertain future due to the current political environment, it's important to keep the bigger picture in mind. Technology will play an important part. The next FIEA technology event, Wood Transport & Logistics 2024, will be highlighting the rapid development and uptake of new log transport innovations, including automated driving systems, truck platooning, hydrogen, dual-fuel and hybrid electric trucks. After a record turnout last year, Wood Transport & Logistics 2024 will be back in Rotorua, New Zealand, on 22-23 May 2024. The international programme is now out and live online. And finally, we bid farewell to the tree legend, Dr. Warren Parker. Warren, well known to many readers in New Zealand, and internationally, was the chairperson on Pāmu's Board and former chief executive of Scion. He will leave an indelible mark on New Zealand's forestry and was known for his vision and ability to easily connect with others. So, there you have it – another packed edition of Friday Offcuts. Enjoy the read.
Our Partners & SponsorsFriday Offcuts is made possible through the generous support of the following companies. This week we have for you:
Positive court decision on NSW forestry![]() “Common-sense has prevailed today, native forestry can have a strong future in Australia,” Dr Freeman said. “Forest managers, growers, scientists and workers will breathe a sigh of relief that the challenge by the North East Forest Alliance to the Regional Forest Agreement covering North Coast NSW native timber harvesting operations has been dismissed. “Our Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) time and time again have proven to be a successful way of sustainably managing Australia’s forests for all their values, and the Federal Court has confirmed this today. “In public native forests that are available for timber harvesting, our RFAs have protections in place for conservation and heritage. This adaptable multi-layered approach ensures key forest types and biodiversity are managed and conserved across the landscape. “The findings of the Federal Court today confirms that RFAs achieve what they set out to do, with Justice Perry confirming the Court’s view that the RFAs provide an alternative mechanism through which the objectives of the national environmental laws can be achieved through a rigorous framework agreed by State and the Federal governments. “It is clear, RFAs strike the right balance between the sustainable harvesting of timber, and providing rigorous environmental protections. “Our forestry sector, its workers, families and communities that depend on it, can now move on with certainty in their future. “Importantly, Australia’s entire forestry sector can keep on doing what it does best; sustainably managing our forests for their environmental, social, cultural and economic values.” Source: Forestry Australia Timber Queensland launches online training resource![]() The Queensland Native Forestry website ( has been created in line with the Native Forest Operations Capacity Building Project, delivered by Timber Queensland with funding support from the Queensland Government's Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. The work is part of a project to build greater capacity in compliance and improved management systems for operators in the state based native hardwood and cypress sectors. Timber Queensland Chief Executive Officer, Mick Stephens, said that while the forest and timber industry prides itself on working within a well-regulated environment and wholeheartedly supports modern sustainable forest management practices, often the complexity and layering of numerous Codes, Guides and Standards can make compliance a challenging prospect. “Across the industry, people want to do the right thing. It was important that we put something in place to help operators and permit holders alike understand their obligations – for the future of the forestry industry, and the forests we work in,” said Mr Stephens. Designed for easy access via computer, phone or tablet, the website has been built to help operators (including harvesters, haulers and wood processing permit holders alike) to understand and meet their obligations through a suite of easy-to- follow training plans. Information is shared via downloadable guides and other resources with an emphasis on clarifying requirements across environmental, sustainable forestry, cultural heritage and workplace health and safety obligations. With more training materials underway, further updates will be released on the website over the coming months and updates announced across Timber Queensland channels. Operators and permit holders are encouraged to check the site regularly and make use of training materials to ensure adequate competency standards in compliance for the benefit of their own operations, the forests and broader industry. Source: Timber Queensland ![]() Wood Transport & Logistics 2024 programme out![]() With so much effort going into larger transport companies decarbonising their fleets and innovation and early adoption of electric, hydrogen and dual-fuel hybrid technologies by log transport operators in this part of the world, the Rotorua venue, inside and outside (view details and images from the 2023 event) was packed. The place was humming. Feedback from speakers, delegates and exhibitors from the 2023 event overwhelmingly were looking for another technology update in 2024. The drivers? The sheer pace of change with new and emerging technologies, the operational and commercial trials underway by local heavy transport fleets and the rapid deployment of this technology into forests and wood cartage operations. Planned format for 2024 All delegates from the 2023 event were looking for the industry to get-together again - one year on – to learn more about the commercial and operational trials – on and offroad – by heavy transport fleets using a raft of these new alternative fuels. And, we’re delivering. Wood Transport & Logistics 2024 is planned to run in Rotorua, New Zealand on 22-23 May 2024. It will again be providing that independent platform for forestry companies, log harvesting operations and those involved in log transport to get together. A conference and workshop programme for the two-day event can be viewed here. Registrations to the event are now live. Click here for details. For those equipment and technology suppliers looking to get in front of this part of the industry, both inside and outside exhibition spaces are still available. Further information and bookings can be made directly with ![]() NZ forestry industry establishing pan sector body![]() The NZFWSF will improve communication throughout the forestry supply chain to pursue and ensure continued growth and to manage issues with the interest of the whole sector in mind. Forestry Industry Contractors Association CEO and NZFWSF spokesperson Prue Younger says the NZFWSF’s collective advocacy will be for policies that are socially responsible, environmentally, and ecologically sustainable, internationally competitive, and profitable. “The greater and long-term goal for the pan sector initiative is the desire to improve the coordination and collaboration of the sector and make it communicate, promote, and improve the total value chain,” she says. “The benefit of a common and collective ‘whole of industry’ voice, with direction and future opportunities stands to be shared with the industry and Government providing credibility that the ‘whole of industry’ is backing the content.” The pan sector group was an outcome of a ‘Forestry Supply Chain – Pan Sector Meeting’ held on July 26 in Rotorua. The hui provided a shared understanding of the problems and opportunities the sector faced in a 15-year crisis for the forestry industry. “Collective discussions were had around what change would look like to generate a sustainable operating model that we don’t currently have,” says Prue. NZ log market update - January 2024![]() The Christmas holidays have come and gone all too quickly for most and we are now returning to work a few kilos heavier, a touch of liver pain and with the same level of enthusiasm that a lightfingered Green MP has for fronting the media. The few weeks off have enabled most ports to clear stocks as the New Year influx of volume starts to hit the wharves again. January export prices have peeled off a few dollars from December in most cases as shipping and foreign exchange costs increase and erode any increases in actual sales price. Foreign exchange (US:NZ) has increased around 4 cents over the past 10 weeks which does not sound like much but with every cent increase equating to around $3/m3 off the bottom line, it’s rather material. As for December, the price spread between exporters is around $6/m3 with some in the high $120’s and others in the early $130’s for A grade shorts. Current CFR price (sales price in China in $US) is around $130/m3 which is likely to be the ceiling for a few months with Chinese New Year holidays around the corner. In market inventory has built somewhat to around 2.5Mm3 over the December month, an increase of approximately 30Km3 from November and this is likely to continue to build as Chinese demand falls off a cliff for a few weeks over the holiday period. Demand has been reasonably steady at 70Km3 per day however this has dropped in recent weeks as a very cold snap has kept people away from work. All eyes will be on shipping costs and the arrivals of vessels from Europe as the Red Sea squabble builds momentum and additional cost of avoiding this route makes European deliveries to China as financially sound as Auckland light rail. Spot container shipping costs soured 173% in early January as Suez Canal traffic decreased 28% and the general inference is that this will likely flow onto bulk vessels, although this may push ship owners to prioritize routes such as NZ:China. The log trade between Australia and China has resumed and there are reports of a number of vessels planned for early 2024. There is still not much in the way of good news out of China. Reuters recently reported that one of China largest wealth management companies, Zhongzhi Enterprise Group (ZEG) confirmed it was ‘severely insolvent’ and cannot pay its bills. This highlights the issues with China’s shadow banking sector as Reuters describe ZEG as ‘a shadow banking empire’ with liabilities of $460 billion yuan and assets of $200 billion yuan. To top that off, China has lost its prized number one spot as the USA’s top exporter, a position it has held for 17 years. USA imports from China have plummeted from a peak of 21% in 2017 to a shade under 14% in 2023. With around 10 years’ worth of empty housing stock, there is as much chance of a construction lead recovery in China as seeing a blue tie at Jacinda’s wedding. Domestic demand for lumber products is still strong with many mills experiencing a lift in orders over the past few months. It is unclear whether this is due to increased confidence from a change of government or a restocking of retail supply, but we will take it either way. Pruned log prices are creeping up and supply looks to remain tight in the medium to long term. Whanganui District Council is the latest in a string of district councils to introduce a target rating system for forestry, to cover the cost of the damage to rural roads (which are generally bereft of regular maintenance) by log trucks. The problem with targeted rates is that the cost has to be carried through the investment and, as sure as Winston likes whiskey, those funds will be used for other purposes and the rural road network will look no different. Any costs compounded throughout an investment either require a higher net return when the investment is realized or if that is not possible, investors will look to other investments that provide a better return on the investment. The fairest method of rural road funding is a point-of-sale levy whereby the forest pays a per tonne cost as the forest is harvested and the funds go directly to the road maintenance fund of the appropriate district council. This will require a national levy similar to the existing Forest Growers Levy as councils cannot legally introduce levies. More >> Source: Forest360 Pāmu pays tribute to Dr Warren Parker![]() CEO Mark Lelise said: “A great tree has fallen. Dr Warren Parker was a highly respected primary sector leader and as Pāmu board chairperson, he made significant contributions to our organisation over his five years of dedicated service. “It was an honour for me to have had Warren as a lecturer while at Massey University nearly 30 years ago and then have the opportunity to work shoulder-to-shoulder with his guidance and support when I joined Pāmu as CEO just under two years ago. “Warren will be remembered for his vision, wisdom, and experience as well as his kindness which together have ensured a strong culture and clear strategic path for our organisation.” Dr Warren Parker was appointed as Chairman of the Pāmu Board on 1 January 2019. Warren is a former chief executive of Scion (the NZ Forest Research Institute) and Landcare Research and was previously chief operating officer of AgResearch. He held several board roles including on Predator Free 2050 Ltd, Farmlands Co-operative Society, Genomics Aotearoa and was the chair of the Forestry Ministerial Advisory Group. He was also chair of the New Zealand Conservation Authority and recently appointed independent chair of Quayside Holdings. Warren had a PhD in animal science and was previously a Professor of Agribusiness and Resource Management at Massey University, where he spent 18 years in various roles, including supervising the 9,000 stock unit Riverside Farm in the Wairarapa. “As we mourn Warren, we will also work together to ensure continuity. Deputy chair Nigel Atherfold will step in as chairperson in the interim period,” Mr Leslie said. Source and image credit: Pāmu Researcher appointed global Bioeconomy Youth Champion![]() Dr Angelique Greene has been appointed as a Bioeconomy Youth Champion for the International Advisory Council on Global Bioeconomy (IACGB) in the Asia-Pacific region – and she’s now on a mission to gather more like- minded young people to grow awareness about the benefits of the bioeconomy for communities, the climate and the environment. She joins Kokuke Shiraishi from Kyoto University in Japan in co-leading the IACGB’s regional bioeconomy group for youth. Working together, they are recruiting researchers and young leaders to learn more about how youth are involved, understand and engage with bioeconomies in their own countries. Two workshops are on the horizon for the group. It’s hoped the first can be held this year in Rotorua, setting the stage for a second workshop in Kyoto, Japan, in 2025. The first workshop will focus on developing strategies for surveying and collecting data from young people across the Asia-Pacific region. The goal for the second is to create a culturally relevant and impactful study that can guide policy decisions and the transition to a bioeconomy. Insights gathered will be instrumental in helping countries respond to the changes that are already underway. Bioeconomy is not just a buzzword; it encompasses technologies such as biotechnology and sustainable agriculture that are crucial for solving the pressing issues related to climate change. With Scion helping New Zealand transition to a circular bioeconomy, Greene and fellow Bioeconomy Youth Champions will help to assess the workforce pipeline, bioresource availability, and training needs in different regions. Greene says her role reflects her commitment as a scientist to create a more sustainable future, while also highlighting the importance of involving the younger generation in shaping global policies that will affect their future. “The issues we’re focused on matter a lot to everyone around the world, but specifically to those who are most impacted by the effects of climate change. “In our Asia-Pacific region, Asia is the most populated area of the planet, and the Pacific Islands are often underrepresented on global issues. I’m strongly advocating for diverse indigenous populations that would traditionally be marginalised to be part of the conversation and have a voice.” Scientist Ki-Taurangi Bradford from Scion’s Te Ao Māori Research Group is the latest to join Greene and her group who are actively recruiting members from countries such as Samoa, Japan, Australia, Indonesia, Vanuatu, Philippines and Fiji. These countries represent a range of cultures, customs, and economic situations. Their indigenous communities also possess valuable knowledge about sustainable living and resource use, which can inform global bioeconomy strategies. Bradford says she feels very motivated to contribute to the team. “I believe that the bioeconomy, with its potential to address climate change, promote inclusivity, and empower indigenous communities, aligns with my values and aspirations for a more equitable and sustainable future.” More >> Source and image credit: Scion AU$1.2M grant awarded to World Forest ID![]() As a part of the Albanese Government's Improving Australia's illegal logging traceability and timber identification systems Budget measures, an AU$1.2 million grant was awarded to World Forest ID (WFID), to create a reference database for the science-based verification of species and origin of harvest. Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Murray Watt said the information collected will support the industry, as well as consumers. "WFID is a centralised, global and openly accessible database that can be used for timber testing and identifying species and origins of timber products," Minister Watt said. "Expanding the database to include key species traded into Australia will improve our ability to detect illegally logged timber and prevent it from entering the market. With this, we can further protect Australia's sustainable and legal forest industries from being undercut by illegally logged timber products. "The work will be led by WFID and supported by the internationally recognised Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and collaborating experts within the WFID Science Advisory Group. The project will expand the coverage of Australian-based testing services and involve Australian-based wood collections (xylaria) in hosting the samples. "We will also work closely with our Asia-Pacific neighbours to cover trees that are often the target of illegal logging and better protect forests in our region, in a true win-win scenario." Updates to the database have already commenced and are expected to be completed in second half of 2024. For more information on WFID, visit their website. Source: Senator the Hon Murray Watt, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry ![]() NZIF challenges Newshub's reporting![]() The New Zealand Institute of Forestry (NZIF) President, James Treadwell, has raised significant concerns regarding the recent reporting by Adam Hollingworth of Newshub. Treadwell condemns Hollingworth's article, published on December 17th, as biased and detrimental to the forest industry, impacting the livelihoods of over 40,000 workers. Treadwell asserts Hollingworth's piece, seemingly influenced by a report from Ravensdown, accuses pine forests of soils degradation through soil acidification without seeking alternate perspectives or verifying facts. Treadwell highlights the oversight in Hollingworth's approach, stating, "The prevalent belief pines contribute to lower soil pH and this is damaging is misleading. Contrarily, all forest soils tend to be acidic; indigenous New Zealand forests, deciduous forests and conifer forests. Our most acidic soils occur under our mighty Kauri forests." Citing research conducted by Scion, Treadwell counters Hollingworth's claims by emphasising the positive impact of radiata pine forests on soil quality. He notes instances where radiata pine plantations on coastal sand dunes has accelerated topsoil development, demonstrating an enhancement in soil quality. Treadwell attributes the misconception of pine-induced soil acidity to the preference of grass for a neutral to alkali pH. He explains, "The transformation of pasture into native or planted forests naturally tends towards increased acidity, especially when reverting from pasture, which is generally top-dressed with lime and fertiliser every few years in perpetuity. This move towards acidity is the soil reverting to its natural state.” Treadwell emphasises the importance of expanding forests in New Zealand, citing erosion control through tree planting and carbon sequestration as key benefits. "NZ needs more forests, not less. We need to reduce erosion via tree planting, and we need to pull carbon out of the atmosphere by growing timber. Every tonne of wood grown represents a tonne of carbon removed from the atmosphere. Nothing else achieves this, and we have the land and species to make a real difference through new planting.” Treadwell also points out New Zealand will require more timber in the future, particularly for the construction of mid-rise buildings using wood instead of concrete and steel. In conclusion, Treadwell firmly criticises Newshub's reporting as unprofessional and uncharacteristic of a reputable media outlet. He discloses having lodged a complaint with Newshub and having numerous time extended a standing offer of expertise from the NZ Institute of Forestry to aid reporters in fact-checking endeavours. Source: NZ Institute of Forestry SnapSTAT - Something different - first week backWith it being a new year and all, we thought we would start with something a bit different - apparently in the US, both direct-to- consumer and business-to-business growth in subscription services is outstripping growth in many other sectors of the economy. Would we lie to you - have a look: the picture tells the story!![]() More: here New WoodChat: Centre for Timber Durability & Design Life![]() In 2023 the FWPA-supported Centre for Timber Durability and Design Life entered an exciting new stage in its evolution with the appointment of its new Director, Professor Tripti Singh. With more than 20 years of experience in managing collaborative, multi-million-dollar research programs, Professor Singh is a leading figure in wood protection research. She also has a long history with the Centre, having served on its international advisory committee since its launch in 2017. Operating out of the University of the Sunshine Coast, the mission of the Centre has always been to return Australia to the forefront of international best practice, underpinning consumer confidence in timber product performance. Since its establishment, it has made important inroads in working with industry to ensure Australia has access to the world’s leading research, building strong links between industry, academia and customers. As well as overseeing vital research projects of significant value to the sector, it continues to educate the next generation of durability scientists, boosting Australian research capacity. In the latest episode of FWPA’s WoodChat podcast series, listeners will hear from Professor Singh as she discusses her plans and vision for the future of the Centre, and how she’s found the first few months in her new role. “Taking over the leadership of such a vital centre for research into timber durability is a privilege, particularly during a time where so many opportunities existed for expanding timber use in Australia,” Prof. Singh said. “Industry collaboration on vital research projects will be key to ensuring the ongoing success of the centre”. Listeners will also hear from the lead researchers of two key projects currently being conducted in collaboration with the centre, including Scott Kleinschmidt, Director at Australian Timber & Pest Research and Dr Pene Mitchell of the University of the Sunshine Coast. This episode is the latest entry into the WoodChat canon which has evolved into a fascinating library of diverse information on vital forestry-related topics, neatly packaged in an engaging audio format. You can listen to WoodChat on Soundcloud, iTunes and Spotify. Source: FWPA Trees have a positive impact on soil health![]() A December news story highlighting changes in soils from converting pasture to plantation forests, is giving a misleading impression of soil health, says Scion principal scientist Dr Peter Clinton. “Soils that have naturally developed under forest, like most soils in New Zealand, are acidic in their natural state. “When forest is cleared to make pasture, soils need to be made less acidic through application of lime to reach a pH level that is best for pasture. It’s no surprise to see those changes reversing when forest is reestablished.” These changes have been well documented in long-term studies, he adds. “When we have measured soil health under pasture, planted pine forest and indigenous forest, we have found that soils under pine are much more similar to those under indigenous forest than they are to soils under pasture. In fact, lime needs to be regularly added to pasture soils to maintain the pH suitable for pasture growth. “We see these similarities in a range of measures. Nutrient and water runoff under pine forest are much more like the nutrient and water runoff under natural forest than pasture too.” Soil pH is only one measure of soil health that is different under forests. “We see that soils under intensively managed pasture can be more compacted by animals and farm machinery than what we typically see under forested land.” This can make it harder for roots to grow, and for soils to absorb water during heavy rain. In the worst cases, pugging of soil becomes a problem. Most forests established under the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) have been on classes of land that have serious limitations for intensive agriculture but are well suited for forestry. Additionally, well-managed plantations of trees on farms, exotic as well as indigenous, provide a range of benefits for sustainable and economic farm management. Extensive research also shows that forested landscapes improve water quality and soil structure, reduce erosion, enhance biodiversity, and support regional economic development. Export earnings from forestry make a significant contribution to the national economy and locally grown timber is a key input to the New Zealand housing and construction industry. Forests will also have an increasingly vital role to play in helping New Zealand meet its net-zero emissions targets by 2050 through carbon sequestration and providing feedstocks to meet growing demand for bioenergy, and for high-value products that offer an alternative to those made from fossil fuels. “Forests will be at the heart of a low-carbon biological-based future and reduce greenhouse gas emissions on a scale unmatched by any current technologies. “New Zealand needs to rapidly decarbonise the economy at the same time as establishing significant areas of new exotic and indigenous forest. “Scion is committed to research that explores how current forest management practices need to be modified so that the value of forests can be optimised in terms of how they protect and enhance the environment to further benefit economic, social and environmental goals.” Source and image credit: Scion Robot rollout begins in NZ![]() DHL is the first in the country to rollout the Locus Robotics solution, which will see 10 new autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) to collaborate with its warehouse team using the LocusOne warehouse automation platform. The deployment is a part of DHL’s ongoing partnership with Locus Robotics which will see 5000 Locus Origin AMRs rolled out globally. LocusOne is a data-driven system that directs AMRs to pick and drop locations around the warehouse. DHL team members assist them by picking, loading and unloading items for despatch. The collaboration between team members and AMRs for warehouse throughput results in the automation of many time-consuming and laborious tasks traditionally performed by humans, such as walking long distances to pick locations and manoeuvring pick carts. It results in faster product picking and team members can be redeployed to other tasks requiring a human touch. The Locus Origin AMRs feature a tablet screen and scanner to interface with team members, and eight cameras and sensors to safely navigate warehouses and around people. The AMRs operate for up to 14 hours per charge and calculate the shortest possible routes to pick locations around the warehouse, to maximise performance throughout the shift. DHL New Zealand managing director Matt Casbolt says he’s pleased to be leveraging the global knowledge within his company to deliver a more effective solution for customers in New Zealand. “We’ve been following the deployment of LocusOne at our company’s sites in the United States, Europe and in Australia with keen interest and we’re pleased to be introducing this technology for our customers in New Zealand. Source: transporttalk Jobs
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![]() And on that note, enjoy your weekend. Cheers. Brand PartnersOur Partners & Sponsors Friday Offcuts is made possible through the generous support of the following companies.
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