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This unique, timely and independent newsletter has grown rapidly in popularity since it was launched in a new web-based format in 2005. It is now the most widely read weekly e-mail and one of the most effective and targeted mediums to reach the Australasian forestry and wood products companies. Opportunities for advertising in Friday Offcuts:This unique and targeted opportunity will allow you to get your message out to the wider industry, each and every week.
Contact us if you have any questions on advertising options, rates, conditions or just need some general help. What our advertisers are saying about us"For the recently advertised positions of Forest Systems Manager and Operations Forester, we have filled both positions and they will be starting next month. For both positions we had responses from seventeen applicants. Approximately three of these were through word of mouth but the rest were the result of advertising in Friday Offcuts." The position has been filled, with the successful candidate starting on 7th September. I have had 14 responses of which 10 were generated from Friday Offcuts. I also placed one advert in the NZ Herald and three adverts in the Rotorua Daily Post. The majority of the responses were directly from the advert placement with Friday Offcuts. I had e-mails from Zimbabwe (1), India (1), South Africa (3), Australia (2) and NZ (3). I received one contact from a keen Australian within 60mins of Friday Offcuts being circulated on Friday morning! "We received 8 applications as a result of advertising through Friday Offcuts. Of these 8, we short listed 3, and 1 of the short listed got down to the final 2. The final selection was from an application received from another source. Overall though, we do get a high calibre of applicants by advertising in Friday Offcuts.
I believe that this is a result of directly having access to those in the industry. The excellent response that we receive from you, the ease of advertising with you, the way that the adverts are presented in Offcuts as well as your professional approach is why we will continue to use Offcuts for advertising our vacancies." "We were successful in filling the position. The appointee was a candidate who saw the advertisement in Friday Offcuts. We got around 10 applications. Two applications came from outside those responding to the Offcuts advert. Most interest was directly a result of the ad placed in Offcuts. In my opinion advertising in Friday Offcuts is highly effective and cost efficient for jobs with specific forestry requirements." "Hi. Overall I am very satisfied with the response we got from our recent advertisement. We received about 10 responses; probably 50:50 NZ versus Australia. We have not filled the position yet, but I'm confident that with the mix of candidates we have, we will fill the position. The interest was directly generated by Friday Offcuts. Thanks. "We have just filled the vacancy. We did get some direct feedback from Friday Offcuts and had followed up on one very good applicant but he had been offered another position before we had interviewed him. From our experience, when trying to fill key positions within our production area, we have had more success through Friday Offcuts than through any other media and will continue to utilise your services in the future."
"We advertised equipment in Friday Offcuts over a three month period. In this time we sold two machines directly as a consequence of the advertising in the weekly e-newsletter. We actually had a customer who had been thinking about a purchase but when he saw them listed in the newsletter, he got a fright and bought them that day. From other enquiries we could have sold them twice over. We've had over 700 hits through Offcuts to both the equipment being advertised and our own web site. The e-newsletter and the site has been instrumental in these sales." "A few weeks ago we advertised equipment for sale in Friday Offcuts and have now sold this to a New Zealand company. Given the tough market the timber industry is currently facing we did not hold out too much hope but in fact received over 20 positive enquiries including some from Australia and even one from the UK. Friday Offcuts is obviously a great way to advertise and I don't know of a better way to reach everyone in the industry. Thanks very much for your help." "We received an excellent response to the advertising in OffCuts, with probably 12 applicants from NZ Australia and Canada. The position has been filled. I would certainly use OffCuts again for industry related roles." | |||||
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