Friday Offcuts – 3 November 2023

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Firstly, a couple of major awards programmes to celebrate as an industry. The re-defining of timber as a modern construction material was front and centre as NZ architects, designers, engineers and construction professionals gathered last night for the 2023 NZ Timber Design Awards in Auckland. Engineered timber featured strongly throughout, as did hybrid buildings this year. The full line-up of award winners and highly commended entries can be found in the attachment in the story below. Also, an eye-catching montage of images celebrating timber in construction for the many entries, can be viewed on the Timber Unlimited website.

Last Friday, the Barn in Mount Gambier, South Australia was the place to be. Around 500 guests including The Hon. Peter Malinauskas MP, Premier of South Australia and The Hon. Clare Scriven MLC, Minister for Forestry gathered for an evening of celebration and to recognise the industry's highest achievers as part of the 2023 Green Triangle Timber Industry Awards. Ten major awards were presented including the prestigious Timber Legend Award that was awarded this year to well-known and respected forestry professional, Dr. Jim O'Hehir.

From Australia this week, Forico, Tasmania’s largest private forest manager, has just published a world-first illustrative example of an integrated climate and nature sustainability report. Although currently voluntary, adoption and support of methodologies like the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) methodologies are expected to become mandatory. Businesses increasingly are going to be required to communicate their impacts on nature and climate to investors and to other stakeholders as part of the annual reporting. Forico, already well-known for setting benchmarks for business and industry in environmental stewardship reporting is describing this latest report as a model that can help pave the way for further development of nature-related reporting. A link to the full report is contained in this week’s lead story.

Linked to environmental standards, as part of what will probably be a more concerted action by local Council’s in NZ to “toughen up” on environmental standards, the forestry industry appears to have been “ambushed” in Otago. The Regional Council has put forward suggested new setback rules as part of their new land and water plan that’s gone out for public feedback. This move by the ORC could well be mirrored in other regions. It’s being described by the forestry industry as extreme, ill informed, inequitable and if introduced as suggested, would have dire economic and social consequences. If implemented, it could cost the forestry sector more than a third of its land, wiping out more than NZ$320 million of the region’s forestry value. Note: The suggested new rules, aside from being contrary to any science or research findings, don’t align with the new National Environmental Standards for Commercial Forestry that provide Council’s and the forestry industry nationally consistent regulations for manging the environmental effects of forestry, that came into effect today, 3 November 2023.

In wood processing across the ditch, Australian Panels is planning to install the largest particleboard production line in Australia at their Mount Gambier operation. The new line with an annual capacity of more than 650,000m3 m3 will be put into production in 2025, according to the line supplier Siempelkamp. Here in NZ, Juken Nissho is currently consulting with staff at their East Coast mill. With demand for the mill’s products declining and significant investment that’s going to be required to continue production, unfortunately, closure of the Gisborne operation is one of the three options that have been put on the table. That’s it for this week.

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A world-first for nature-based reporting

Forico has published a world-first illustrative example of an integrated climate and nature sustainability report aligned to the recommendations of both the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). The combined report is an exemplar for businesses and paves the way for the further anticipated development of nature- related reporting.

The Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) launched its recommendations and a suite of additional implementation guidance at the New York Stock Exchange during New York Climate Week in September. The TNFD recommendations built on those published in 2017 by the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), providing market participants with the same structure and content to enable integrated reporting of material climate-related and nature- related issues in mainstream corporate reporting.

An early adopter of the TCFD and TNFD methodologies, Forico has produced its Illustrative Example of Integrated TCFD + TNFD Disclosures, published in conjunction with TNFD and created with the assistance of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, with a view to showing how companies with reporting requirements to shareholders and other stakeholders can build on their existing climate-related reporting activities to get started with the assessment and reporting of other nature-related issues aligned with the approach taken by the TNFD.

Building on the TCFD’s focus on atmospheric emissions, the TNFD approach covers the four realms of nature - land, ocean, freshwater and atmosphere (beyond emissions reporting) and facilitates the assessment and reporting of nature-related dependences, impacts, risk and opportunities. This provides business and financial markets with more robust information, assisting in strategic planning, risk management and decision-making around the allocation of assets, by shifting the flow of capital to nature-positive activities.

“At this stage our report is an illustrative example of a report which combines the two sets of recommendations and we hope will provide a useful example as the corporate world moves towards mandatory disclosures of this sort,” said Forico’s CEO Evangelista Albertini.

Although reporting through frameworks such as TNFD and TCFD is currently voluntary, adoption and support of such methodologies is expected to become mandatory in annual reporting cycle as businesses are required to communicate on their impacts on nature and climate.

Forico expects to incorporate the combined framework into its corporate reporting for FY23-24, and into its annual Natural Capital Report published later this year. Executive Director of the TNFD Tony Goldner said “TNFD is focussed on helping organisations bring nature into their decision-making and enabling integrated climate and nature reporting to investors and other stakeholders.

We are delighted Forico has taken a leadership position in reporting on climate and nature issues in an integrated fashion, and we look forward to more organisations taking a similar approach building on their existing climate reporting activities and capabilities.”

The full report can be downloaded here

Source: Forico

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PF Olsen NZ Log Market Report – October 2023

Market Summary

October At Wharf Gate (AWG) prices for export logs reduced an average of 4- 5 NZD per JASm3 from September prices. Log demand in China remains steady and log inventory is at extremely low levels. However, the log buyers are not overly concerned about the very low inventory as demand is not increasing as it usually does at this time of the year in China.

The domestic market continues to show signs of recovery with some confidence returning to the industry after the New Zealand General Election but the global demand for sawn timber is still soft.

The PF Olsen Log Price Index dropped $2 to $112. The index is currently $7 and $10 below the two-year and five-year averages respectively.

Domestic Log Market

Log supply is still tight in some regions as some smaller forest owners slow down or stop harvest production. Most Quarter 4 log pricing was flat with some small price increases in structural logs in some areas due to the tight supply.

Mills report domestic orders increased within a few days of the New Zealand General Election on 14 October, so it appears there is some confidence returning in the construction industry.

Demand in Europe for clear sawn timber boards produced by New Zealand mills has continued to stall.

Export Log Markets


China radiata log inventory continues to reduce and is now around 1.7m m3, with total softwood inventory at about 2.7m m3. Daily port off-take has remained within the range of 65-70k m3 per day, which is in the normal range for this time of the year in China. However, the market does not anticipate significant increases in demand when China moves into its usual busier months for construction. Inventory levels falling even with the Golden Week of holidays in the first week of October shows that total log supply has reduced. Australian logs have been offered to the China market again after China lifted a two and a half year trade-ban in June, but these initial logs have been cut to Indian log lengths.

Inventory levels significantly below 4m m3 used to trigger sharp increases in log prices, but this isn’t the case with a subdued market. The October CFR price for A grade logs remains in the range of 110-117 USD per JASm3. Market forecasts for November sales are in the 115-120 USD per JASmrange.

The China Caixin Manufacturing PMI dropped from 51.0 in August to 50.6 in September. Any PMI number above 50 signals manufacturing growth. Output expanded the most in the last four months and this is the second straight month of growth amid efforts from the Chinese Government to revive the Chinese economy.

However, sentiment dropped to a 12-month low which is vey significant for the Chinese log market as this market has often previously been sentiment driven. These stimulation efforts appear to be more successful in other areas of the economy rather than the real estate market which has significant headwinds. Unlike previous stimulation packages the Chinese Government has not intervened directly in the construction sector.

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Scott Downs, Director Sales & Marketing, PF Olsen Ltd

Source: PF Olsen

Native Forest Transition (NFT) Promotion

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Council’s proposed new rules could cost millions

"Extreme" new rules proposed by the Otago Regional Council for Otago’s forestry industry could cost the sector more than a third of its land, wiping out more than NZ$320 million of the region’s forestry value.

City Forests Ltd chief executive and New Zealand Forest Owners Association president Grant Dodson told Otago regional councillors the forestry sector was concerned about setback rules proposed in the council’s land and water plan, now out for public feedback.

Under new national standards there was a 5m setback from small streams and a 10m setback from larger streams. Under the regional council proposal, a 50m setback would be implemented from waterways on a slope of greater than 10 degrees, or ‘‘pretty much the entire forestry estate in Otago’’, he said. ‘‘We don’t believe that the science has been properly investigated or applied in the development of the rules to date‘‘, Mr Dodson said.

‘‘We also note some significant sector inequities, which we believe is a major contributor to some perverse outcomes. We are feeling quite ambushed.’’ Mr Dodson told councillors last week there was concern among forestry owners for the proposed new consenting regime for existing, in some cases long-established, land use.

In the development of rules for the forestry sector there appeared to be input from ‘‘community, mana whenua and councillors’’, but not forestry owners, nor forestry Crown research institute Scion, he said. On behalf of forestry companies representing 125,000ha of plantations across the region, he said the council’s ‘‘extreme’’ rules could have ‘‘absolutely catastrophic’’ economic and social consequences.

There was no reason to expand on rules created through a separate nine-year process to set national environmental standards for commercial forestry, due to come into effect next month. Analysis showed the proposed 50m setback would result in an estimated 37% loss of productive forestry land in the region, which would equate to a more than $320m loss in value to the industry, he said.

‘‘It would completely change the value proposition for forest owners. The impacts on the industry would be dire”. There would also be significant liabilities with respect to the emissions trading scheme (ETS), he said. ‘‘We estimate those liabilities, under the current carbon price could top NZ$980m.’’

Using City Forests’ Waipori Forest as an example, he said under the council’s proposed rules the forest would lose 49% of its productive area, nearly NZ$17m in crop value, and cost more than $76m in ETS liabilities. For the Dunedin City Council-owned company as a whole, the 50m setbacks would mean a 34% loss in productive area, more than NZ$64m in crop value and a near NZ$198m ETS liability.

There were ‘‘literally hundreds’’ of studies that showed that pine trees planted to within 5m of streams produced ‘‘excellent’’ water quality outcomes. We know that fertiliser puts nitrates and phosphates into creeks. Forestry doesn’t fertilise. And so, a pine tree is being forced to move back 50m, and yet I could actually turn that into pasture, put livestock in it, fertilise the hell out of it, even discharge farm effluent in there — all totally detrimental to water quality — and that would be permitted under the plan,’’ Mr Dodson said.

Chief executive Richard Saunders understood the sector would submit on the land and water plan and welcomed the feedback. Mr Saunders hoped to hear from the industry, ‘‘particularly if they’ve got evidence to support’’ managing the effects of forestry on the environment differently from what the council proposed.

Source: Otago Daily Times, City Forests

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NZ 2023 Timber Design Award winners announced

The fully subscribed gala function for the NZ Timber Design Awards was hosted by Timber Unlimited last night, Thursday 2 November at Auckland’s Cordis Hotel. Leaders across the industry celebrated the re-defining of timber as a modern construction material that pushes the boundaries of the possible for architects, designers, engineers and construction professionals alike.

Engineered timber featured strongly throughout, as did hybrid buildings (those incorporating other building materials in the finished project). “The possibilities for timber aren’t limited to traditional uses anymore,” explained Timber Unlimited’s Director Dr Robert Finch. “We all know timber can be aesthetically beautiful as well as being an impressive building material, and it’s sustainable too.”

“From residential and commercial architectural excellence, to innovative uses of engineered wood, to new ways to use specialty timbers – wood is now firmly established as a favourite of forward-thinking architects and engineers, and the NZ Timber Design Awards proved this,” said Awards Manager Debbie Fergie.

Judging and choosing a supreme winner

Sorting another record-breaking number of entries into just 61 finalists, and ultimately into winners and runners-up over 12 categories (up 50 percent from category choices ten years ago), requires a profound understanding of architectural design, engineering skills and innovative thinking as well as constructing excellence. The four judges selected this year were leaders in their sectors, and were uniformly impressed with the vision and expertise demonstrated by all the entries.

All judges felt the range of submissions demonstrated the innovation, dedication and creativity that exists within and across the New Zealand timber sector, from architectural and engineering design, manufacturing and fabrication, to “the builders and makers of these beautiful examples of what can be done with one of our greatest national treasures, namely timber.”

With the Supreme Award winner, Green School NZ’s “Kina” project on a former farm in Taranaki, judges agreed it was an exemplary project that demonstrated the beauty, efficiency and sustainability of timber, and was a clear winner.

The materials’ whole of life cycle was considered from design process to execution to the end of its useful life, ensuring that timber was as sustainably sourced and manufactured as possible. This allowed it to be a beautiful building now, and at the end of its long life most of the timber elements will be able to be recycled.

“Through sustainable material selection, and innovative building techniques and products, Green School NZ buildings have been by design faster to build, higher performing and less wasteful than most others by quite a margin, with up to 60 percent less going to landfill,” explained the selected design studio BOON Ltd.

Highly commended in the “supreme” category was Nelson Airport, with judges recognising “the seamless fusion of architecture, engineering and timber,” which “represents a global benchmark for timber architecture and engineering innovation.”

The People’s Choice Award showed Māori Concepts’ Tomomai ki Ahipara in Northland to be a clear winner, with St Hilda’s Anglican Church in Wellington highly commended.

The full line-up of award winners and Highly Commended entries can be seen on the attached PDF.

Check the website for more images -. Clicking on the “view” button within each image per category will take viewers to further photo choices for that project.

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4th Green Triangle Timber Awards celebrated

The atmosphere was nothing short of spectacular as the 4th Green Triangle Timber Awards Gala Dinner unfolded on 27 October 2023 at The Barn Mount Gambier, South Australia. With a backdrop of perfect weather, 500 guests including The Hon. Peter Malinauskas MP, Premier of South Australia and The Hon. Clare Scriven MLC, Minister for Forestry gathered for an evening of celebration and recognition of industry's highest achievers.

With Australia’s funny man Dave Thornton opening the evening with his hilarious comedy, a total of ten awards were presented to industry leaders, recognizing their outstanding contributions to their respective fields. Among the recipients, the prestigious Timber Legend Award was given to Dr. Jim O'Hehir.

Dr. O'Hehir's exceptional dedication to the forestry sector, his relentless commitment to the delivery of ground-breaking research projects, and his efforts in implementing technology advancements throughout the region earned him this honour. Jim’s passion for forestry and his tireless efforts in mentoring the next generation of industry leaders has left an indelible mark on the sector, making him a deserving recipient of the Timber Legend Award.

In addition to celebrating the winners, the Committee also extend their congratulations to the award finalists. Their nominations alone are recognition of their unwavering commitment to the industry, showcasing their exceptional talent and dedication. Their contributions serve as a testament to the remarkable progress and innovation taking place in our community. 2023 Award Winners

Operations – Harvesting and In-Field Chipping Excellence
Jamie Marlow – Merrett Logging

Operations – Silviculture and Timber Support Services Excellence
Jason Whyte, Berry & Whyte Surveyors
Highly Commended – Josh Praolini from Green Triangle Forest Industries Hub

Logistics Excellence – Port Operations, Marshalling and Timber Haulage
Adam Merrett - Merrett Logging

Sawmilling and Processing Excellence Award
Andrew Burston - OneFortyOne

Safety Excellence Award – Individual Achievement
Ryan Cassar – Tabeel Trading Nominees
Deb Kuhl – Timberlink Australia & New Zealand

Trainee Award
Grace Tse - Timberlands Pacific
Highly Commended – Amelia Harris of Van Schaik’s BioGro

Environment & Sustainability Award
Wendy Fennell – Fennell Forestry
Highly Commended – Levi Bateman of HVP Plantations

Safety Excellence – Less than 30 Staff
Glenara Transport

Safety Excellence – More than 30 staff
Merrett Logging

Timber Legend Award
Dr. Jim O’Hehir (photo)

The Green Triangle Timber Industry Awards and Gala Dinner would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors and suppliers. Their commitment and contributions continue to play a pivotal role in ensuring the awards success, creating the space and opportunity for industry leaders, government officials, and community members to come together and celebrate excellence.

We extend our thanks to all our sponsors for their invaluable support, our distinguished guests for joining us for the occasion, and the nominees, finalists, and award winners for their tireless efforts in shaping the future of the industry.

For more information about the 4th Gala Dinner and its award recipients, please visit the website at or contact Gaylene Newton,

Source: GTTIA

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Forest Sector Outlook - September 2023 Quarter

The September 2023 quarter edition of the Forest Sector Outlook was released in October 2023 by the Global Consulting Alliance. This report continues to highlight the impact of the ongoing Russia/Ukraine war on the global forest sector. It also considers the impact of rising interest rates and the slowdown of global economic growth on global forest products trade. 

Key highlights for China/Asia

- Factories in China reported their first expansion in activity in September, providing a spark of optimism for the global economy. The nation’s manufacturing sector’s Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) rose to 50.2, signaling expansion. Similarly, the non-manufacturing sector saw growth, boosted by consumer spending on services and increased construction activity.

- The real estate market continues to face a downturn, with new home sales at major developers falling 29% in September compared to the previous year. China Evergrande Group, a major developer, faces financial troubles and regulatory hurdles, adding uncertainty to the sector. Country Garden is even bigger and it has some financial issues as well.

- China’s exports are shrinking, and tensions with the US-led West over trade and technology remain. Local governments are burdened with heavy debts. Economists suggest that Beijing needs to implement more stimulus measures to ensure a stronger and more durable recovery.

- Looking ahead, economists anticipate a challenging transitional period for China’s economy as the government aims to shift from a property-driven growth model to one fueled by advanced manufacturing. Most economist groups have lowered their economic growth forecasts for 2023 to around 5.0%, highlighting the need for successful rebalancing to establish a healthier economic footing. - China’s softwood log imports were lower for the first eight months in 2023 by 7.9% at 20.5 million m3 compared to the same period one year ago. 

Top 5 suppliers to China/Asia were:

- New Zealand 11.5 million m3 +2.2%
- Germany 2.5 million m3 -34.5%
- Japan 877 000 m3 +16.6%
- USA 857 000 m3 +5.8%
- Poland 739 000 m3 +208%

The Forest Sector Outlook covers regional market updates from Australia, New Zealand, China/Asia, Europe, Russia, North America, South America and Africa.

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Source: Margules Groome

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SnapSTAT - Commodities headed in right direction

Introduction: The forestry index lifted 0.3% m/m in September, but the log market remains relatively subdued. End user demand from China for logs is back at normal levels for this time of the season and the volumes of logs stockpiled on wharves has reduced. This is a positive sign for the market, but returns are constrained by higher shipping costs. Demand from local mills remains weaker than normal as housing construction has slowed.

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Source:ANZ Commodity Price Index

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Largest particleboard line in Australia to be installed

Australian Panels, a Borg company, is to install the largest particleboard production line in Australia at the Mount Gambier location, halfway between Melbourne and Adelaide. The new line with an annual capacity of more than 650,000m3 m3 will be put into production in 2025, according to the line supplier Siempelkamp

The forming and press line will include the 8' x 55.5m ContiRoll with NEO infeed. The scope of supply also includes the cooling and stacking line. Pallmann, a specialist in size-reduction technology, will be supplying new knife-ring flakers, double stream mills, and the established cleaning and grinding robots for knife rings. And Büttner, one of Siempelkamp's subsidiaries, will also be contributing its expertise as it will be supplying a 6.5 x 32R sized drum dryer and flash-tube.

Australian Panels is now realizing its fifth Siempelkamp press with this order. In 2016, the Australian company ordered a particleboard line with an almost identical scope for its site in New South Wales. At 8' x 50.4 m, this press is shorter than the one for the current project. Australian Panels most recent order was for an 8' x 18.8 m MDF line with ContiRoll for the production of thin boards, which was placed in 2019.

Photo L-R: Alex Röwe (Sales Manager Siempelkamp), Darren Johnson (Project Manager, Australian Panels) John Borg (Managing Director/Owner Australian Panels/Borg Group), Marc Mueller (Head of Sales, Siempelkamp) / Siempelkamp

Source: Lesprom, Siempelkamp

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Scion staff's efforts recognised

Stars in Scion’s paper and pulping technology and forest hydrology work have been given the research institute’s highest honour. Scion held its annual staff recognition awards on October 26, presenting awards to more than 50 staff.

The awards recognise emerging and established scientists and teams, as well as support staff, at the Crown research institute, which has its headquarters in Rotorua and offices in Christchurch and Wellington.

The top award - the Roger Newman Award for Science or Engineering Excellence - was jointly awarded for the first time to Plant Morphology and Physiology scientist Dean Meason and senior technologist Sean Taylor (photo attached). They will each receive NZ$3000 for equipment and/or technology, further study or a conference, or a visit to an organisation in a related field.

Meason is currently making an international impact with work on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment-supported Forest Flows research programme which aims to understand and later predict water flows across planted forest catchments and who gets to use the water. Taylor was acknowledged for his work in pulping and paper technology which has transformed sustainable pulping processes. The award recognises the late Dr Roger Newman, who was a principal scientist at Scion, particularly in the areas of nuclear magnetic radiation and spectroscopy.

The staff awards recognise individual achievements, team success, respect for mātauranga Māori and Scion’s values of ingenuity, collaboration, excellence and manaakitanga. Scion chief executive Dr Julian Elder says they are a fantastic opportunity to acknowledge staff achievements. “The awards show the depth and breadth of the important work we do at Scion and the effort our staff put in every day.”

The Industry/Stakeholder External Customer Engagement Award was given to the 13- person Fisher and Paykel Healthcare Polymer development team. This year Scion became a research partner in Fisher and Paykel Healthcare’s development of new healthcare products. The partnership leverages the Scion team’s expertise in polymers, sustainability and compliance.

Sierra De La Croix received the Recognition of Contribution to Māori Award for her contributions to projects across all three of Scion’s Impact Areas. John Henry was this year’s Leadership Award/ Emerging Leader Award recipient. He leads Scion’s Tree Biometrics Field Team taking care of a team split across North and South Island operations, delivering excellent results to science projects spanning the organisation. He was recognised for always putting the well-being, job satisfaction and career development of his team first.

Economy and Society research group leader Grace Villamor and Christchurch-based forest ecology scientist Rebecca Turner were jointly awarded the Recognition of Publication Success, while Christchurch-based senior scientist Jianming Xue was given the Stretchy Science/Smart Ideas Award.

Bio/Organic Chemistry team lead Beatrix Theobold won the Health and Safety Award while the Science Operations and Optimisation Team received the Enabling Scion Award. Sylke Campion, Catherine Banham, Nina Eichler and Tasman van der Woude shared the Recognition of Technician Success Award. This year’s recipients of the Scion Values Awards were Christel Brunschwig (collaboration), Lesley Fitness (manaakitanga), Anna de Lena (ingenuity) and the legal team (excellence).

For the second year, Kawenata awards were given to recognise staff who have contributed to the partnership between Scion and the three hapū – Ngāti Hurungaterangi, Ngāti Taeotu and Ngāti Te Kahu. Recipients exemplified the mātāpono (principles) of the kawenata partnership commitment document.

The recipients were; sustainable chemistry team lead Kim McGrouther for the principle of Tiakina te mana o te whenua — the responsibility to protect the whenua and waterways for future generations; Te Ao Māori research assistant Te Piataaio Raroa for the principle of Kotahitanga — recognising the value of working together in the spirit of cooperation and partnership; and the marketing and communications team for the principle of whakapapa — recognising the whakapapa connection that Nga Hapū e Toru have as mana whenua and their relationship to Scion as the current landowner as the foundation of the relationship.

Scion also nominates candidates in three categories to attend the Science New Zealand Awards at Parliament on December 6. All seven Crown Research Institutes are represented. Scion's nominees are Bing Song for the Early Career Researcher Award, the Microplastics team for the Team Award, and Dr Tanira Kingi for the Individual/Lifetime Achievement Award.

Source: Scion

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Juken Nissho considering closing Gisborne mill

Eighty jobs in Gisborne are on the line with Juken Nissho considering closing its local mill permanently. Staff at the mill, which opened in 1994, were informed last Wednesday that demand for the mill’s products had declined, and three options had to be considered.

Juken New Zealand Ltd. managing director Hiroyuki Kawado said staff were called to a meeting and asked to consider the options. The options include: Ceasing production until new markets and products can be found; putting the mill up for sale and likely ceasing production while we look for a buyer; or closing the mill permanently.

Kawado said the mill processed radiata pine from the company’s East Coast forests to produce a small range of specialised wood products, mainly for the Japanese housing market.

“Unfortunately, demand for the mill’s products has continued to decline over the past five years and is not expected to improve. The mill’s age also means it needs significant investment if it is to continue its effective production and safe operation,” he said.

Staff had been asked to provide feedback over the next two weeks. The mill will operate as normal throughout the consultation process, with notification of a decision due by November 17. The proposal didn’t affect any of the company’s forestry operations.

Source: stuff

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Timberlink appoints new CEO

The Timberlink Australia & New Zealand Board has resolved to appoint Paul O’Keefe into the role of Chief Executive Officer following the recent announcement of Ian Tyson’s retirement. To ensure a smooth transition, Paul has been appointed to the role of CEO effective immediately, with Ian Tyson to act in an advisory role until December 31st 2023.

Paul O’Keefe has been a crucial member of the Timberlink Executive Lead Team in the capacity of Chief Financial & Governance Officer over the last seven years and is well placed to ensure the delivery of the next stage of growth and strategy.

Source: Timberlink

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Wildings requiring collaborative management

Forest owners welcome the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s (PCE) acknowledgement that the presence of wilding conifers across New Zealand is largely a legacy issue, but caution against placing costs on foresters who are already investing in wilding control.

In his address to the Wilding Pines Conference in Queenstown last week, PCE Simon Upton highlighted the need for ongoing investment into the control of pest plants, including wilding conifers. He noted that the wilding issue is tied back to historical government policy settings and activities around forest planting strategies and goals such as erosion control.

Forest Owners Association (FOA) chief executive, Dr. Elizabeth Heeg, says the statement confirmed that the wilding issue isn’t solely the result of forestry activities. “There is a widespread misconception that contemporary commercial plantation forestry blocks are responsible for the invasive spread of wilding species,” Elizabeth says. “Contemporary plantation foresters often shoulder the blame for wilding spread when we know it is predominantly due to historical policy decisions and legacy plantings used for farm shelter belts and the likes.

“These legacy species, such as lodgepole pine, disperse seeds more easily and can rapidly invade and cause dense forests. Although Douglas fir is a problem in some areas, plantings are generally well managed by the industry, and other prominent wilding species are no longer used in contemporary plantations.

"The sector has advanced its knowledge of these risks significantly in recent years and carefully manages plantation forests to minimise the risk of spreading species beyond boundaries."

Planting behaviour has changed significantly since the implementation of the National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry (the NES-PF) and the wilding risk calculator in 2017. The risk of wilding spread is expected to reduce even further with the new National Environmental Standard for Commercial Forestry ( NES-CF) – which also captures carbon forestry. All plantings greater than one hectare are now captured by wilding risk calculations.

“Foresters take their obligations in managing these risks, and being a responsible landowner, very seriously. All are bound by the NES-CF, and the majority do the right thing by working with neighbours and the community. Where there is spread, the residual risk is managed with surrounding landowners, to the extent that many foresters are voluntarily controlling legacy problems on neighbouring properties.”

Elizabeth says the sector is concerned that foresters will continue to shoulder the blame and the cost for the spread of legacy species. “Many forestry companies voluntarily invest a significant amount of their time and money into proactively controlling the spread of wilding species each year. Penalising the sector for its control efforts to date by way of a levy, as suggested by PCE Simon Upton, is not the solution; nor are attempts to correlate current wilding conifer spread to contemporary plantation forestry.”

It is critical that funding for the wilding control programme continues so that the progress made in recent years can be maintained. However, the cost of this work shouldn’t rely – or fall – solely on forestry, Elizabeth says. “The sector would strongly advocate for greater Crown funding to ensure the wilding species programme continues to achieve its objectives, while acknowledging that the current wilding conifer issue is largely a result of historical policy decisions and non-plantation sources.

“Technologies such as gene editing and remote sensing could offer a major step forward for preventing and managing the spread of wilding conifers; but ultimately, combating wilding spread will require ongoing collaboration from all and the government to take an active, lead role.”

Source: Forest Owners Association

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New Craft Risk Management Standard for vessels

Biosecurity New Zealand has issued a new Craft Risk Management Standard for Vessels.

This change applies to logging ships arriving in New Zealand and the requirements they will need to meet. The new standard contains both the requirements from the Craft Risk Management Standard Biofouling on Vessels Arriving to New Zealand (2018) and the requirements from the old Craft Risk Management Standard Vessels (2018). The requirements have been reviewed and updated to ensure they remain fit for purpose.

The key changes include:

- New minimum reporting requirements for vessel biofouling inspections;
- The number of days a short-stay vessel can stay in New Zealand has increased to 28 days;
- A new clause for cruise vessel management;
- Changes to risk periods for species of the Lymantria complex to align with changes to international regulations;
- Simplification of the allowable biofouling thresholds.

Click here to download the new Standard

Source: Forest Owners Association

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... and one to end the week on ... post office workers

There was a man who worked for the Post Office whose job was to process all the mail that had illegible addresses.

One day, a letter came addressed in a shaky handwriting to God with no actual address. He thought he should open it to see what it was about. The letter read:

Dear God,

I am an 83 year old widow, living on a very small pension. Yesterday someone stole my purse. It had $100 in it, which was all the money I had until my next pension payment. Next Sunday is Christmas, and I had invited two of my friends over for dinner. Without that money, I have nothing to buy food with, have no family to turn to, and you are my only hope. Can you please help me?

Sincerely, Edna

The postal worker was touched. He showed the letter to all the other workers. Each one dug into his or her wallet and came up with a few dollars.

By the time he made the rounds, he had collected $96, which they put into an envelope and sent to the woman. The rest of the day, all the workers felt a warm glow thinking of Edna and the dinner she would be able to share with her friends.

Christmas came and went. A few days later, another letter came from the same old lady to God. All the workers gathered around while the letter was opened.

It read:

Dear God,

How can I ever thank you enough for what you did for me? Because of your gift of love, I was able to fix a glorious dinner for my friends. We had a very nice day and I told my friends of your wonderful gift. By the way, there was $4 missing. I think it might have been those b*******s at the post office.

And on that note, enjoy your weekend. And for those either affected by the devastating bushfires raging across parts of Queensland and NSW at the moment or helping to fight the fires, our thoughts right now are with you. Cheers.

Brent Apthorp
Editor, Friday Offcuts
Distinction Dunedin Hotel
6 Liverpool Street, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand
PO Box 904, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand
Tel: +64 (03) 470 1902, Mob: +64 21 227 5177

John Stulen
Editor, WoodWorks News
PO Box 1230, Rotorua, 3040
Tel: +64 7 921 1381
Mob: +64 27 275 8011

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