Friday Offcuts – 5 May 2023

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Last week, two initiatives to support onshore wood processing and manufacturing were announced on both sides of the Tasman, a new NZ$57 million fund in NZ and more than AU$108 million in grants that had just been announced for Australian wood processors. For NZ. Well targeted? Maybe not. According to Marty Verry, CEO of the Red Stag group of companies, which includes the Southern Hemisphere’s largest sawmill and NZ’s only CLT factory, there is a raft of factors that have led to investment in local wood processing flatlining for last three decades. It’s not being constrained though through a lack of capital. The key, in Marty’s opinion, to level the playing field and to boost new investment, is to recognise and unlock the true value of the carbon that's stored in wood products. The full opinion piece is included in this week’s lead story.

Also last week, as reported, New Zealand’s Climate Change Commission got stuck into the current settings of the Emissions Trading Scheme with the Commissioner, Rod Carr, saying it stood out as a "threat" to achieving the country’s targets to slash damaging gases. We have, in their opinion, an over reliance on forestry which is masking any real emissions reductions being achieved.

As a follow up to the draft emissions reduction plan that the CCC opened up for eight weeks of consultation, several articles appeared that also weighed into the ETS debate. In one, Dame Anne Salmond suggests that forestry companies operating in NZ and in fact, the ETS itself, should be undergoing a detailed ‘value chain’ analysis, to ensure that they’re meeting international standards for overall emissions reductions. Current policies and plans appear to be falling well short of hitting targets.

From Australia this week, it was announced that Wendy Norris has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of OneFortyOne effective from mid-June. As well as serving on the Board of OneFortyOne, Wendy was also part of the Future Fund team that established OneFortyOne, investing in Australian and New Zealand forestry estates as well as timber manufacturing businesses in both countries. Deon Kriek, with a three-decade career in the forestry industry has also been appointed OneFortyOne’s Green Triangle Forests General Manager. Eileen Newbury, who’s been at the forefront of designing the very successful WoodSolutions program boosting recognition of wood and timber products with Australia’s Design and Build industry, has stepped down from this role, along with her position as Head of Marketing and Communications with FWPA.

Finally, in Finland, Metsä Group’s new Euro 2.02 billion Kemi bioproduct mill is working on rail transport (electric locomotives) to shift approximately two thirds of the roundwood the new mill’s going to consume, around 5 million cubic metres per year. It’s going to enable the company to reduce their emissions by about 20 per cent for each cubic metre of wood. Wood deliveries by electric locomotives will enable loads of up to 2,500 tonnes to be carried by one train and at the mill, they’re being supplemented by the use of electric autonomous wood yard cranes. The mills the largest ever investment made by the Finnish forestry industry in the country and once operating, planned for the third quarter of 2023, the mill's expecting to produce some 1.5 million tonnes of softwood and hardwood pulp per year, as well as a number of other bioproducts. And that's it for this week.

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NZ wood processors want their carbon, not your debt

Opinion: Marty Verry, CEO of the Red Stag group of companies

Last week incoming Minister of Forestry Peeni Henare announced a NZ$57 million fund to invest in New Zealand’s wood processing capacity. Officials probably told him this is what the industry wants. It is not!

Unwritten in the Beehive press release and media articles was the fact that the local fund is just Debt. Well technically ‘equity investment’ is an option, but who in their right mind wants the hassle of a government minority shareholder. So, for all intents and purposes, NZ$45 million of the fund is just debt.

MPI developed the fund on the erroneous pretext that wood processors lack access to capital. They do not. Debt from banks, the Provincial Growth Fund and MPI’s SFFF fund have all been plentiful during the last decade. Very few took up the option. Now that the market is moving from boom to bust, why would a wood processor suddenly think this is the time to put their head in the debt noose?

No, we don’t need debt. Capital will flow easily to projects with ‘internationally cost-competitive margin and feasibility across the economic cycle’. Remember that phrase, because it is the test against which all ITP initiatives should be assessed.

MPI officials knew funding was not the issue in 2019, with their advice to Ministers noting: “Scion research indicates that access to capital is not necessarily the main barrier to investment in higher value processing, rather it is investor nervousness around the profitability of producing new products and entering new markets.”

So, if debt is not the answer, the question the government should be asking industry is; “What levers can government pull to level the playing field for wood processors so they can achieve this long-term feasibility?”

A very unlevel playing field

Enter the Australian announcement to support wood processing investment that happened to come out on the same day last week. Their government has given grant funding of up to AU$5 million each to wood processors, with the total fund exceeding AU$112 million.

It is important to understand what these grants mean in practice in the marketplace for New Zealand companies competing to supply Australia and competing with supply from Australia.

Firstly, I’ll lay out what is already a very unlevel playing field. New Zealand wood processors must compete using the highest cost logs in the world. Next, we have an expensive Tasman Sea crossing to fund, not helped by an overvalued NZ-AU exchange rate and onerous timber grading standards meaning we get less higher value timber per log than Australians. All this results in a higher cost structure than our Australian competitors.

Next, having got past all that, we need to compete with Australian mills and engineered wood product factories that are heavily grant funded.

Take for example the Australian Hyne sawmill - Xlam CLT supply chain, owned by the Hyne family, which has benefitted from AU$16m of grants over recent years. The grants mean the group does not need to factor this re- payment and interest cost into its product pricing in the marketplace. Effectively they can reduce CLT pricing by AU$4 million per year and be no worse off.

This equates to a 10% price drop on their A/NZ volume, or 20% should they focus their funding windfall on just their New Zealand volume. This is what actually happened in their CLT supply into New Zealand and explains why it is dangerous to invest in New Zealand by comparison.

Is it any wonder wood processing in New Zealand has flat-lined for the last three decades.

Carbon value of ‘Harvested Wood Products’ the answer

Okay, so what can New Zealand do about it? What levers can we pull?

Read more

Source: NZH

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Another Fonterra site switching boilers from coal

Fonterra is continuing to progress its decarbonisation work with the announcement of another site transitioning from coal and the installation of a heat pump and solar thermal system.

The Co-operative will convert its coal boilers at its Hautapu site to wood pellets and install a heat pump at its Palmerston North milk processing site that supplies the local market. Both projects have recieved support from the Government Investment in Decarbonising Industry (GIDI) Process Heat Contestable Fund.

Fonterra Chief Operating Officer Fraser Whineray says the Co-operative is commercially focused on reducing emissions. “There are a number of solutions we’re using to decarbonise our operations and these two projects are a good example of different technologies available.”

These projects are just two of many underway to decarbonise the Fonterra business, such as the Waitoa and Stirling sites that are in the process of installing wood biomass boilers to transition out of coal.

The Stirling wood biomass boiler will fire up for the first time today (21 April), marking the next step on the site’s transition to be totally reliant on renewable energy for its process heat. Changing to this boiler will reduce the annual carbon emissions by 18,500 tonnes – the equivalent of taking approximately 7,700 cars off New Zealand’s roads.

The new Waitoa wood biomass boiler, due to be operational in November 2023, will reduce the site’s annual carbon emissions by approximately 48,000 tonnes, the equivalent of taking approximately 20,000 cars off New Zealand’s roads.

Source: Stuff

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Is NZ's ETS an environmental ponzi scheme?

NZ’s Treasury needs to conduct a value chain analysis of forestry companies and our Emission Trading Scheme to ensure they meet international sustainability standards, writes Anne Salmond

Opinion: Anne Salmond Colin Jacobs, general manager for forestry company Drylandcarbon, writes in the NZ Herald: “In terms of government policy, the refusal to listen to rural communities and prohibit so-called ‘permanent’ pine forests is another potential long-term mistake.”

He adds, “There is inadequate science to reliably inform us as to how ‘permanent’ pine forests will behave when the trees all reach the end of their lives at roughly the same time. The notion that they will gradually transition to native forest is more hope than fact. Not to mention the value of the timber is foregone.”

That is fair comment. For all these reasons, rewarding carbon farming with pine trees is a long-term mistake. Not only is there inadequate science to tell us what will happen when all the trees in a pine plantation age and die at once, there is no guarantee that they will last that long in conditions of climate change, as the risks of fire, disease, intense rainfall and wind throw increase - as we’ve seen during Cyclone Gabrielle.

At the same time, Jacobs claims in the Herald article that “Exotic forests absorb carbon more than five-times faster than native forests. In the absence of dramatic gross emissions reductions, we are, rightly or wrongly, dependent on carbon sequestration from exotic forests to deliver against our commitments.”

Here he is mistaken, however. While pine plantations may sequester carbon rapidly while they are growing, a life cycle analysis of the emissions from propagating the plants to site preparation, planting, trimming, spraying, harvesting, preparing the logs, shipping them, and the life expectancy of the products is likely to show that about twice as much carbon is emitted as is sequestered during the life of the trees, if international studies are to be believed.

Why does this matter? Internationally, this kind of ‘value chain’ analysis is increasingly being deployed to combat ‘greenwashing,’ in global trade deals as well as in national policies, in the EU for instance. Domestically, Toitū Envirocare, the government’s own sustainability certification programme (a subsidiary of Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research), insists that a value chain analysis is compulsory before it will certify a company as climate positive.

Logically, given the claims they make about carbon sequestration, forestry companies operating in New Zealand should have to meet such a test. It should also be applied to New Zealand’s Emissions Trading Scheme itself, to ensure that it meets international standards for overall emissions reductions.

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Another article looking at What's wrong with the Emissions Trading Scheme? can be read here.

Source:, RNZ

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Nationwide first bond for slash management

The NZ Government has ordered a ministerial enquiry into forestry practice and the which has filled beaches and destroyed roads in the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle.

But in a nationwide first, the Southland District Council has placed a performance bond on its harvesting contractor, to ensure compliance to the National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry standards during and after harvesting.

The council owns 1840.4ha of forestry land, with an operational forest area of 1532.6 hectares. Its forests are located at Dipton, Gowan Hill, Ohai and Waikaia.

Southland District Council commercial infrastructure manager Stuart O’Neill said the council’s harvest and forest management contractor, OneForest, was an industry-leading forestry management and harvesting company, and past performance has been very high.

“Our Southland forestry soils are more stable and topography is generally easier than upper North Island forestry sites and, as a result, recent forestry environmental outcomes in the upper North Island are very unlikely to occur in the Southland region,’’ he said.

“The New Zealand Institute of Forestry has confirmed this type of performance bonding for slash management is a first of its kind in the industry, and it has been well-supported by the contractor through a collaborative contracting arrangement.’’

In March, Environment Southland officials said they believed the risk of damage from slash in Southland was being managed, but they were looking closely at the issue in the aftermath of the cyclone and discussing the risk to infrastructure with other councils.

Foresters from Southland and across New Zealand will also be meeting up in Rotorua, New Zealand on the 20-21 June at Environmental Forestry 2023 to discuss how operating practices are being used to lift and monitor environmental performance across the forestry industry. Details on the event, programme and registrations can be found on the event website.


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PF Olsen NZ Log Market – April 2023

Market Summary

At Wharf Gate (AWG) prices for export logs decreased $20-25 per JASm3 in April. The AWG price drop from March prices was largest in ports such as Tauranga, which had larger log price increases in March as exporters competed for volume. Log demand in China has increased steadily while log stocks have decreased slightly. The fluctuating prices are due to effusive sentiment that the construction market was going to increase significantly. When the log demand didn’t increase as much as expected, log buyers and sellers started panicking.

The April PF Olsen Log Price Index decreased $11 to $124. The index has now reversed all the gains from the previous two months and is back at the January level. The index is currently $2 above the two-year and $1 above the five-year average.

Domestic Log Market

Most sawmills in New Zealand remain operating well below capacity. The structural market remains oversupplied. Some mills that were producing structural sawn timber are switching to instead produce clear sawn timber.

Export Log Market


China softwood log inventory has dropped to 3.2-3.3m m3 with radiata accounting for about 2.9m m3. The stimulation packages announced by the Chinese government has not increased construction activity in China. Port off-take has remained steady at just over 70k per day. The biggest issue for log buyers and construction companies in China is cashflow constraints.

The CFR price for A grade radiata logs in China has dropped to 120-125. May expected price ranges are 115-20 USD for A grade. Buyers that were buying logs at too high a price earlier in the year now aim to buy logs at a much lower price to recover their losses. More than ever the importance of strong relationships and trust individual log sellers have with log buyers allows for a more stable ride through this fluctuation.

The China Caixin manufacturing PMI dropped to 50.0 in March. The index is now balancing on the significant level of 50. (A reading above 50 indicates an expansion of the manufacturing sector). This result shows the growing doubt about the strength and robustness of China’s economic recovery.

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Scott Downs, Director Sales & Marketing, PF Olsen Ltd

Source: PF Olsen

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Wendy Norris appointed as OneFortyOne's CEO

The Board of Directors and Shareholders of OneFortyOne are pleased to announce the appointment of Wendy Norris as Chief Executive Officer of the Company effective from mid-June 2023.

OneFortyOne Chairman John Gilleland said Wendy was chosen after an extensive selection process. “Wendy is an outstanding choice, and she brings with her a deep understanding of OneFortyOne and the forest and timber processing sectors,” he said.

Wendy is currently the Deputy Chief Investment Officer (Deputy CIO) with the Future Fund. She has previously served as Head of Infrastructure and Timberland Investments at Future Fund. In that role she was involved in the development of the Forest and Timberland investment strategy. Wendy was part of the Future Fund team that established OneFortyOne, investing in Australian and New Zealand forest estates as well as timber manufacturing businesses in Mt Gambier, South Australia and Marlborough, New Zealand South Island. Wendy has also served on the Board of OneFortyOne.

Wendy has extensive and deep investment experience. As Deputy CIO she has been responsible for over $60 billion of direct investments that include forest/timberlands, private equity, and infrastructure, including airports and ports. Wendy has also focused on Change and Innovation, which covered the entire $250 billion Future Fund portfolio. With this expansion, she focused on strategic evolution, preparedness for external environment conditions, talent development, and driving the data and technology needs of the business.

John said “Wendy has a proven record and extensive background ranging from water resources in her early career, to banking, investments and investment management. Her experience in forestland and infrastructure investments places her in a unique position within our industry. Her experience with stakeholders, including shareholders, boards, government and finance across ours and many sectors is key for the evolving business environment we are in.

Importantly, Wendy’s relationships will serve all stakeholders well in assuring OneFortyOne continues as a trusted partner.”, John Gilleland said. “Wendy is a leader with a personal approach to those she works with. We are confident in Wendy and the entire Leadership Team in making OneFortyOne even more successful in the years to come.

As Wendy steps in, the Board recognises the outstanding work by Interim CEO Peter Brydon on his leadership and working with the OneFortyOne Lead Team in moving the business forward.”

Source: OneFortyOne

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$10,000 raised to support affected families

The Canterbury West Coast Wood Council hosted a sold-out Fundraising Event on the 27th April in Christchurch, New Zealand. The goal was to raise funds to support fellow forestry businesses and families in the North Island that were affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.

Some members traveled from South Canterbury and the West Coast to attend the evening at the Two Thumbs Brewery in Christchurch. With donations still coming in, it is expected the event will raise ten thousand dollars.

Matt Croft from the Hawke’s Bay Forestry Group spoke at the event about the destruction Cyclone Gabrielle has had on the region and to forestry industry. Local sawmills, pulp and lumber companies were flooded and left with metres of silt to clean up. The region is still in recovery mode and any offers of support have been well received.

This event has also had a profound effect on people engaged in our industry both with uncertainty of employment and the public backlash created by an ill-informed media looking for a scapegoat. Matt presented a summary of 110 samples of the woody debris on the beaches throughout the region that showed only 4% of the material was harvest residue. This summary backed up a report presented by the Hawkes Bay Regional Council recently but in greater detail.

As stated in his presentation it is very hard to argue these points with people when they are in a media fueled, emotionally charged state but now the local forest companies and the Hawkes Bay Forestry Group are spreading the results of this study far and wide.

For members of the Canterbury West Coast Wood Council Matt’s presentation emphasized, the importance of needing a strong industry network in place, plus effective response plans, when weather events like these occur.

Source: Canterbury West Coast Wood Council

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CollectiveCrunch launches Linda Planet

CollectiveCrunch, creator of the AI-powered platform that enables sustainable forestry at scale, is launching Linda Planet, a new trustworthy tool that enables forestry professionals to assess the health of forests by monitoring and tracking changes in both forest biodiversity and carbon storages in near real-time.

“Our goal is to change the world’s understanding of forests by providing the most accurate, scalable and timely forest analytics possible,” said CollectiveCrunch Co-Founder Rolf Schmitz. “Through solutions like Linda Planet, we can enable sustainable forestry, assist in the mitigation of carbon losses, and bring transparency to forest carbon markets to spearhead the fight against climate change.”

The urgent need for transparency in the carbon market

The AI-based Linda Planet solution eliminates the uncertainty and subjectivity associated with forest carbon assessments by providing a scientific and data-driven approach to forest carbon management. It does this by helping mitigate forest carbon value loss by tracking changes and potential damages in near real-time, and assists in forecasting the growth and loss of forest carbon stocks.

Linda Planet ensures the accountability of carbon assets behind an offset and provides the transparency necessary for credible carbon development through the AI backbone of the Linda platform. Nominal check-ups with five-year manual auditing cycles of forest carbon assets have proven to be insufficient. In order to have foolproof understanding of the progress and permanence of the natural capital, continuous and accurate visibility into the assets is essential – which is what Linda offers.

Linda Planet is uniquely positioned to bring credible baselines to the market at large scale. Credible baselines are necessary to build a strong foundation for the future of carbon offsets. A data-driven forest carbon inventory helps to define stored carbon and rates of sequestration throughout the forested lands, and assists forest management efforts with precision and high quality.

CollectiveCrunch has been developing state-of-the-art AI-based technologies for the forest sector since 2016. Linda Forest today covers 23 million hectares of forest. Continuous monitoring is an essential part of understanding the changes in the sensitive ecosystem of forests and providing visibility into biodiversity and the changes in the forest carbon storages near real-time.

About CollectiveCrunch

CollectiveCrunch is an AI leader in the forestry industry. It collects climate, geo and process data and crunches this information into AI models for better prediction of forest inventories and the monitoring of carbon storage for the carbon trading markets.

Source: CollectiveCrunch

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SnapSTAT - China post-lockdown bounce

In a welcome development for New Zealand exporters, China’s near-term activity data has been stronger than expected. Q1 GDP rose 4.5% y/y, consistent with strong data flows ranging from PMI to trade. Both credit expansion and construction PMI hit a record high. There are upside risks to ANZ’s GDP forecast of 5.4% for 2023. Q2 GDP could hit 8% y/y. If the property recovery is sustained, GDP may approach 5% in the second half of the year.

Source: CFLP, Macrobond, ANZ Research

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Forestry faces massive losses, as clean-up gets underway

Foresters in Hawke’s Bay face losses of up to NZ$150 million in tree crops and infrastructure following Cyclone Gabrielle, as they work to support the clean-up of woody debris in the region.

Hawkes Bay Forestry Group (HBFG) member companies have been using their equipment and expertise to support landowners and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC) to remove and process woody debris from impacted locations around the region, says James Powrie, Acting Chief Executive Officer, HBFG.

“Our foresters are extremely mindful of the communities in which they operate and are actively supporting HBRC’s clean-up programme with equipment, expertise and some finance,” says Powrie.

HBFG estimates that Hawke’s Bay foresters have collectively lost up to NZ$150 million in tree crop loss and infrastructure alone. This excludes the financial loss from business interruption and damage to processing sites.

Earlier this month, HBRC released a report on the composition of woody debris in Hawke’s Bay following Cyclone Gabrielle. These findings support a deeper-dive analysis, as outlined in last week’s issue, conducted by Interpine for HBFG, which is available here: HBFG Report.

The aim of the Interpine analysis was to ensure foresters have a full understanding of the risk profile for forestry estates on various terrain during extreme weather events, says Powrie. “The impact of Cyclone Gabrielle has been devastating on our communities and our industry,” says Powrie. “We never want to see this level of damage again.”

Information on the clean-up work that forestry companies are doing in the region is available on

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Green Triangle Forests General Manager announcement

Commencing on 26 June 2023 Deon Kriek will continue his three-decade career in the forest industry as OneFortyOne’s Green Triangle Forests General Manager. Starting as a silviculture forester in South Africa, Deon has taken on many operational and management responsibilities including business development, estate management, harvest and haulage as well as planning and resource analysis. Deon is currently the VicForests General Manager of Operations.

In making this announcement Peter Brydon, OneFortyOne’s Interim Chief Executive Officer, said “Deon’s appointment will contribute strong talent and experience to the leadership of the company. Deon is a highly regarded forest industry leader, with a wealth of knowledge that will help drive OneFortyOne into the next decade.”

“Deon has an industry wide reputation for a respectful and people first management style,” Peter said. “He has the experience and approach that is required to continue to add value to the business whilst ensuring safety remains a top priority as do our people and relationships with contractors, partners, and the community. I welcome Deon to OneFortyOne. He is an outstanding leader with an important role to play at OneFortyOne as we look to the future”.

Source: OneFortyOne

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Head of WoodSolutions Program stepping down

Forest and Wood Products Australia’s (FWPA) Head of Marketing and Communications and Head of WoodSolutions program, Eileen Newbury, will be stepping down from her role on Friday 12 May. Eileen has been a powerhouse in the organisation and along with her team has overseen several important initiatives that have helped reframe the industry and how it is perceived.

First starting as a contractor in 2010 before joining FWPA officially in 2013, Eileen’s achievements have been an important part of FWPA’s success. FWPA’s CEO Andrew Leighton said, “Eileen has an energy and a passion for FWPA and for the industry that was felt by all and will be greatly missed. Data and research have always underpinned her marketing and education of the industry.

“As the Head of the WoodSolutions program Eileen was integral in lifting the recognition of wood and wood products in the Design and Build industry. Testament to this influence was the introduction of The Ultimate Renewable™ and its ongoing success informing the consumer audience about the clear environmental benefits of wood and wood products”.

When asked about her proudest moment Eileen is quick to mention the project that showcased wood and its tangible impact on the health and happiness of people. The work confirmed the importance of biophilic design, and the role wood has to play in the design and build industry. Launched at the Venice Biennale with the Australian Institute of Architects, the campaign not only achieved national success; the research was recognised and endorsed internationally and helped place FWPA on a global stage.

“I feel very proud of the work and successes achieved over the 13 years and there have been many highlights during my time - all of which would not have been possible without the FWPA family. I’d like to thank CEO Andrew Leighton for the opportunity he has given me over the last year and in particular, acknowledge my FWPA colleagues and key contractors for all the support and encouragement that was afforded to me.

When asked what’s next, Eileen stated, “I love the industry and will continue to work within it in some capacity.” FWPA will be announcing who will step into the role in the coming weeks. “We wish Eileen every success and know that she will remain a friend of FWPA and the industry for a long time to come,” said Andrew.

Source: FWPA

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Metsä Group looks to rail for log transport

VR’s first train with an electric locomotive transporting roundwood arrived for test runs at Metsä Group’s new Euro2.02 billion Kemi bioproduct mill. This marked a major step in Metsä Group and VR’s long-term cooperation, ensuring the Kemi bioproduct mill’s wood supply by rail.

At the Kemi bioproduct mill, rail transport will account for approximately two thirds of the roundwood consumed. This translates to roughly 5 million cubic metres per year, or around 8–10 trains per day. Large volumes of wood can be transported in an efficient and environmentally friendly way, with wood loading, rail transport and unloading designed to work smoothly.

“Wood will be transported to the Kemi bioproduct mill from a considerably wider area than at present. Although the average roundwood transport distance by train will be longer, rail transport will ensure emissions are reduced by 20 per cent per cubic metre of wood. We’ve built an efficient wood delivery system in Kemi, which is in line with our emissions reduction targets. Wood deliveries by electric locomotives are supplemented by electric autonomous woodyard cranes,” says Hannu Alarautalahti, SVP, Production from Metsä Forest.

The transports are powered by VR’s latest engines. Vectron electric locomotives can handle loads as heavy as 2,500 tonnes, which means approximately 20–25 per cent more wood per train. Several shuttle trains, with a single trainset running between a loading and unloading station, have been set up for transport in Kemi. The efficiency of the transport system also relies on a highly optimised wagon cycle: the time between two successive loading operations can be cut by half compared to average roundwood transport.

All in all, more than 400 wagons will be used for the Kemi bioproduct mill’s rail transport, and the fleet is assigned exclusively to this transport. Traffic infrastructure and related improvements have been addressed from the project’s outset, and they have been designed jointly with the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency. The mill’s private track enables wood transport with electric locomotives all the way to the mill.

“We have prepared this important project for several years in close cooperation, and we are finally ready to start the transport. In large-scale industrial investments, the efficiency of transport and smooth flow of traffic are key factors. Together with the customer, we have created a solution that seamlessly combines the mill’s operations and rail transport, bringing efficiency to transport,” says Eljas Koistinen Senior Vice President, VR Transpoint.

Metsä Group’s Kemi bioproduct mill will start up in the third quarter of 2023.

Source: Metsä Group

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... and one to end the week on ...the Irish funeral

Paddy died. His will provided £40,000 for an elaborate funeral. As the last guests departed the affair, his wife Colleen turned to her oldest and dearest friend.

"Ah well, Paddy would be pleased," she said.

"You're right," replied Mary, who lowered her voice and leaned in close.

"So go on, how much did this really cost?'"

"All of it," said Colleen. "Forty thousand."

"Aw No!" Mary exclaimed, "I mean, it was very grand, but £40,000?!!!"

Colleen answered, "The funeral was £6,500. I donated £500 to church. The whisky, wine and snacks were another £500. The rest went for the Memorial Stone."

Mary computed quickly.

"For the love of God Colleen, £32,500 for a Memorial Stone? How big is it?"

One more. A sweet little Girl goes into a Pet shop and asks the man behind the counter with her dear little Lisp, " Excuthe me Mither, do you keep wittle wabbiths.?"

The man gets down on one knee to the little girls level and asks " We do, we have wittle white wabbys or soft and brown wabbys. What one would you like "

The little Girl replied " I don't fink my python would wheely give a hit "

And finally, one for the duck hunters with opening weekend starting tomorrow. Good luck and let's be safe out there.

On that note, enjoy your weekend. Cheers.

Brent Apthorp
Editor, Friday Offcuts
Distinction Dunedin Hotel
6 Liverpool Street, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand
PO Box 904, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand
Tel: +64 (03) 470 1902, Mob: +64 21 227 5177

John Stulen
PO Box 1230, Rotorua, 3040
Tel: +64 7 921 1381
Mob: +64 27 275 8011

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