2008 NZ Forest Products Map just released

Every two years the NZ Forest Products Industry map is updated. Changes in two years to company ownership, mill closures and levels of production are significant, none more so than when the last map was published in early 2006. The very latest edition was published in May 2008.

On the 98cm high by 68cm wide map, over 140 sawmills (with levels of sawn production), all fibreboard, particleboard, plywood, pulp & paper, veneer and paperboard mills along with wood manufacturing operations are shown.

Planted production forests greater than 500ha are shown, with forests greater than 1500ha named and the indigenous forest estate also incorporated for reference.

A complimentary copy of the new map, the fourth edition of this very popular resource, was inserted into the May issue of the magazine Inwood Australasia. The maps have also been distributed by partners of the map to their key customers. For those who haven't yet got a copy of this latest up-to-date industry reference, please find attached an order form.

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