Place a Buy and sell Advert on Friday Offcuts

Friday Offcuts is the most targeted, effective and widely distributed weekly e-newsletter read by those directly employed in or associated with the Australasian forest products sector.

9000+ subscribers - and many more weekly readers. Why advertise in Friday Offcuts | Need Help?

Images relating to the advertisement can be added to the PDF which can be uploaded under the Advert PDF section. If you would like help in loading or formatting the image(s), click the Need Assistance link above and we'll get back to you shortly.

PDFs that are attached to the advert can be a maximum of 2 pages. Additional pages can be added; please contact us for the advertising rates.

Advertising for used equipment will be only for single sites. If equipment from more than one site is being advertised, separate advertisements will need to be created and advertised accordingly.


NOTE: Advertisements need to be received or posted on-line NO LATER than 1:00pm NZDT the day before the issue is due to go out. Unfortunately, advertisements received after this time cannot be accepted for the upcoming issue. If not meeting the publishing deadline, you do however have the option of placing your advert(s) in the following week's issue(s).

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Advert Start Date   Format: 2025-02-16
Applications close   Format: 2025-02-16 - Optional
Duration   +GST  (1 issue = 1 week. Max 3 weeks)
Company Logo Optional. JPG, GIF or PNG (+$50)
Discount   Become an FIEA Member | FIEA Partner
Advert PDF Optional PDF. Max 350kb (Two A4 pages)

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