Friday Offcuts – 26 May 2023

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A car park full of large rigs and new technologies. It’s been a while, but 250 people from forestry and log transport companies from across the region along with those participating remotely from North and South America and Europe joined up with local companies in Rotorua, New Zealand for Wood Transport & Logistics 2023. Check out this link for photos. With so much effort going into larger transport companies decarbonising their fleets and the innovation and early adoption of electric, hydrogen and dual fuel hybrid technologies in this part of the world, the place, as expected, was humming.

Like the dramatic switch of consumers to electric passenger vehicles, NZ and Australian log haulage companies have been world leaders in trialling, and already rolling out, these new technologies. Presentations and practical case studies from early industry adopters like Fennell Forestry, Keith Andrews, HW Richardson and the TR Group provided early insights into how this technology is actually performing out on the road and in the forest. Workshops and trade exhibitions were used to discuss the technologies in much more depth. Live demonstrations on the day showcased some of this new equipment live. Presentations from across the two days will be sent out shortly to all those attending and images from across the two days will be posted shortly onto the event website.

From Australia this week, devastating is how the Victorian timber industry is describing the decision to bring forward the banning of native forest harvesting. This latest announcement accelerates plans announced in 2019 to phase out native forest harvesting in Victoria by 2030 to now ending it by the end of this year. Regardless of the science and management behind the ongoing sustainable management of the resource, ideology and the not inconsiderable pressure from the green protest movement, has won the day. It’s a gut-wrenching blow for thousands of regional Victorian families and their communities. It’s estimated that native forestry provides 5,000 direct jobs and many more indirect jobs providing the lifeblood for regional communities such as Orbost, which stands to lose 37% of its workers. Further details and reaction are contained in this week’s lead story.

Other technology events on the go at the moment getting already significant sign-ups from the wider industry include: the Environmental Forestry 2023 running on 20-21 June, a follow-up to the ground breaking wood residues event last year for forest owners and logging contractors looking to extract more wood off harvesting sites and aggregators of wood biofuels, Residues2Revenues 2023 running in Rotorua, NZ on 25-26 July and the Carbon Forestry 2023 event being run in late August, on 29-30 August. Details on each upcoming event can be found on the respective websites.

Finally, in other news from Australia this week, the ProFert for Pine tool, which has been designed to better enable softwood growers to effectively predict the success of various fertiliser options on a range of different sites. Originally available in three States, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia, the tool’s use and application has now been extended into southern Western Australia. Finally, in Tasmania, a new Farm Forestry Carbon Tool, a world first developed by Tasmanian tech company Indicium Dynamics, has been launched which enables farmers to estimate their carbon impact and potential tree offset opportunities. That’s it for this week.

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Victorian government brings native harvesting ban forward

Native timber logging in Victoria is set to grind to a halt by the end of the year, with the state government using today's budget to bring forward the death of the industry.

Key points:

• The government will provide more than AU$200 million that will help transition workers out of the native timber industry
• Workers will be given opportunities to retrain for other sectors
• VicForests stopped harvesting in November last year after the Supreme Court ruled it had broken the law

The state's timber industry has been troubled for years, with bushfires, environmental no-logging zones and court decisions limiting the supply available to harvest every year. This week’s announcement accelerates plans announced in 2019 by the Andrews government to phase out native timber logging by 2030.

Treasurer Tim Pallas has announced a more than AU$200 million transition package for the industry in today's budget, and workers are being briefed this morning about the decision.

It will include support for workers and their families to exit the embattled industry by the end of the year. The package brings total support for the sector to $875 million, including existing worker-support services and funding to transition to plantation timber.

The pain from today's announcement will be felt across regional Victoria. The package will give workers options to retrain in sectors such as manufacturing, agriculture, transport and construction through the government's Free TAFE program. Affected workers will be offered up to AU$8,000 in retraining vouchers for courses outside the TAFE sector. Native timber mills will be eligible for a voluntary transition package, whether they choose to stay in timber processing or switch to another sector.

Victorian Regional Development Minister Harriet Shing acknowledged today was difficult for the industry, but said bushfires and litigation were responsible for the decision. "We don't underestimate the challenges that this will create for workers for their families, for businesses and for communities who for generations have relied on timber harvesting to make a living and to craft their own identities," she said.

"Today's decision is about making sure that workers have a measure of certainty that businesses can plan and can continue the transition work that many of them have already begun." Victorian Association of Forestry Industries has estimated more than 21,000 people work in forestry and the wood products industry. The association said 4,000 people work across the native forestry supply chain. Other studies have placed the number at 2,200.

Devastating' for logging workers

Some of the industry's workers have been left reeling from the early closure announcement, despite the government's support package. Forestry consultant Garry Squires said around 25 per cent of the jobs in his town of Orbost in East Gippsland are in native logging.

"There's been a lot of work going into planning for the 2030 close down, trying to look at new options for the future," he told ABC Radio Victoria. "If this is actually brought forward… that will be devastating because we're just not ready."

He said for some workers and their families, the announcement will resolve uncertainty, but others have no alternative employment options. "The morale since November last year... with the court case, has been pretty low. It's hard when you don't know if you're going to have a job into the future."

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As expected, the industry has been flawed by the decision. Forestry Australia says that they are dismayed by the announcement to stop native forest harvesting in Victoria at the end of the year, highlighting that the government has failed all Victorians in making this decision. The Victorian Government’s decision to end native forest harvesting at the end of the year is flawed and rather than being based on science, it is a decision motivated by ideology. More >>

Source: ABC, Forestry Australia

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FIEA - Strong support for Environmental Forestry

The Forest Industry Engineering Association (FIEA) is seeing a strong response with delegates registering for this year's Environmental Forestry Conference being run on on 20-21 June in Rotorua.

FIEA is working closely with the NZ Forest Owners Association, Eastland Wood Council, the International Erosion Control Association and Te Uru Rākau to deliver a range of valuable conference presentations along with a pre- conference workshop which is running on the morning of 29 June.

Delegates registering for the conference are invited to attend the pre- conference workshop hosted by Te Uru Rākau on “The interaction of the National Policy Statement on Indigenous Biodiversity (NPSIB) and the National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry (NESPF)”

To register for the event, click here. To see the speaker lineup for the event, click here.

Thanks to all of the event sponsors for their support to help make this event happen as part of the continuous professional development for environmental foresters and other professionals working in this space.

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Forest training & success celebrated in the South

Last Friday saw yet again another outstanding turnout by local forestry companies and contractors from throughout the lower South Island of New Zealand. The function was the 2023 Southern Wood Council Forestry Awards run in conjunction with the country’s industry training organisation, Competenz/Te Pūkenga run at the Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin.

In addition to profiling the contribution forestry and those working within the industry make to the economic and social well-being of the region, the night was really designed to celebrate the success of those that had achieved formal training qualifications over the year. Through a series of this year, ten major awards, the event also recognised the forest industry’s top performers from across the lower South Island.

Around 350 forest managers, forestry contractors, wood processing and transport operators and product and service suppliers to the industry attended the awards evening at Dunedin’s Forsyth Barr Stadium. As well as nine well established annual awards that have been celebrated for nine years, this year marked the first time that a Outstanding Forest Industry Contribution Award was set up to celebrate an individual who has made a significant lifetime contribution to the forest or wood products sector within the Otago, Southland or South Canterbury regions.

Over 200 National Training Certificates had been achieved in Forestry & Wood Processing across the region in the last 12 months were awarded to top local contractors and forestry and wood processing employees on the night. Fifteen harvesting apprentices that have been involved in the Mike Hurring Logging Training School were also recognised at the awards ceremony.

2023 Major Award Winners:

Training Excellence Award - Apprentice of the Year (Sponsored by Southwood Export) Award Winner; Emma Diack, D and K Contracting

Training Excellence Award - Forestry Trainee of the Year (harvesting) (Sponsored by Log Marketing) Award Winner; Phil Jones, Roxburgh Contracting

Training Excellence Award - Forestry Trainee of the Year (silviculture) (Sponsored by Port Blakely): Award Winner; Jaycob Baker, NJ Sim Forestry Services

Skilled Professionals Awards – Forestry Excellence Award (establishment, silviculture, fire, harvesting) (Sponsored by Rayonier Matariki Forests): Award Winner; Matthew Waller, Mike Hurring Logging

Skilled Professionals Awards – Wood Processing Excellence Award (Sponsored by UDC): Award Winner; Adrian Mennell, Pankhurst Sawmilling

Skilled Professionals Awards – Women in Forestry Excellence Award (Sponsored by Venture Forestry): Award Winner; Brittney Kircher, Cable Logging Geraldine

Industry Excellence Awards – Forestry Environmental Management Excellence Award (Sponsored by Ernslaw One); Andrew Haulage – Forestry Roading Crew

Industry Excellence Awards - Training Company/Contractor of the Year (Sponsored by City Forests): Award Winner; Mike Hurring Logging Training School

Industry Excellence Awards - Forest Products Health & Safety Award (Sponsored by Wenita Forest Products): Award Winner; Summit Logging

Industry Excellence Awards – Outstanding Forest Industry Contribution Award (Sponsored by Competenz/Te Pūkenga): Award Winner; Phil de la Mare, Ernslaw One

In addition to Phil de la Mare, Ernslaw One’s South Island Regional Manager, being recognised for his outstanding contribution of close on 50 years (33 of these being based in Tapanui) to the forest industry in the lower South Island, the awards evening was also to celebrate in style, the upcoming retirement of Phil Williams, Competenz’s Otago-based Forestry Account Manager.

As detailed by forest owners and contractors on the night, Phil has for close on 24 years, been instrumental in mapping the skills needed as part of the national qualifications framework and working alongside local forestry contractors and companies across the lower South Island helping them develop their own training plans to grow their employee skill levels and raise their business productivity.

Photos from the awards evening have been uploaded and can be viewed on the Southern Wood Council website.

Photo below: NFA team picking up a range of National Certificates on the night

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Future NZ ETS limits and price control settings

New Zealand's Ministry for Environment (MfE) last Friday released a consultation document on future NZ ETS limits and price control settings.

In what is an annual process, this consultation step follows advice from the Climate Change Commission (CCC) for the 2024-2028 period, which was submitted to the Government in March and released to the public in April.

Last year’s inaugural advice for the 2023-2027 period was ultimately largely rejected by Cabinet. NZU prices have since been on a gradual downhill trajectory, and this was further punctuated by the first NZU auction for 2023 not clearing.

There is immense pressure now on the NZ Government to support the CCC's new recommendations. CCC chair Rod Carr elaborated on the importance of this year’s advice, saying that “if the Government chooses to constrain price discovery, the NZ ETS will play a weaker role and the Government – now and in the future – is more likely to need to adjust the emissions reduction plan to include further regulations and other policies to drive emissions reductions and ensure budgets will be met.”

In addition, despite the fact that Climate Minister James Shaw supported last year’s advice from the Commission and was not reponsible for Cabinet's decision to deviate from it, Lawyers for Climate Action (LCANZI) are nonetheless now taking the Minister to court over the matter. The NZU price has fallen as low as $50 from its November high of $88.50 and uncertainty over the scheme abounds.

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Note: A pre-Carbon Forestry 2023 workshop entitled 'Professional Development for Consultants Working In Carbon Forestry Certification' on the NZ ETS for industry professionals is being run as part of the upcoming Carbon Forestry 2023 Conference on 29-30 August in Rotorua. This popular event sold out in 2023. To register at early-bird rates click here

Source: Carbon Match, FIEA

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Optimising profitability with fertiliser prediction

In 2017, FWPA-supported research led to the development of the ProFert for Pine tool, which was designed to improve the capacity of softwood growers to effectively predict the success of various fertiliser options at different sites.

By combining empirical results from fertiliser experiments across Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia with growth models used by individual growers, the ProFert for Pine tool is used by softwood growers to predict response to fertiliser and, in turn, increase timber production and profitability by enabling selection of the most effective fertiliser options across these three states.

“The wider adoption and use of ProFert beyond those three initial states has been restricted due to uncertainty around its applicability in different parts of Australia, based on the results of various experiments,” according to Dr Barry May of TreeMod, who was part of the research team.

“Its applicability has, however, now been proven in southern Western Australia, thanks to this latest round of research.” Analysing local historical datasets focused on West Australian softwood nutrition and silviculture trials revealed strong trends in the factors that determine both plantation productivity and responsiveness to fertiliser.

The limit to productivity of plantations in the relatively dry and seasonally variable environment of southern Western Australia was found to be determined largely by water availability. Water management is the key to optimising productivity in a seasonal environment, particularly in areas where water can be in short supply.

Opportunities for increased production through fertilisation rose wherever water was either in greater supply or being most efficiently used. In order of influence, water availability, phosphorus supply and nitrogen supply had the biggest impacts on productivity and responsiveness to fertiliser.

Plantation density also had a strong influence on responsiveness to fertiliser, due to its impact on the availability of water. Advice from the research team is that wetter sites should not be over-thinned. Another key takeaway from the research is that multiple fertiliser applications are required for optimal productivity.

Dr McGrath and Dr May presented a recent webinar during which the outcomes of this work were presented in detail – view in full by clicking here.

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Source: Forest & Wood Products Australia

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FEA update – China softwood log inventories

China’s Softwood Log Inventories at Ocean Ports -- FEA industry sources in China report that softwood log inventories at the country’s main ocean ports totalled 4.31 million m³ on April 22, a decrease of 8% (-362,000 m³) from the previous month, as follows:

• Radiata pine log inventory volumes from New Zealand and South America amounted to 2.62 million m³, a drop of 8% from a month earlier and comprising 61% of overall log inventories (similar to late March).

• North American Douglas-fir and hemlock log volumes totalled 647,000 m³, representing growth of 8% from the previous month and accounting for 15% of overall log inventories (versus 13% in late March).

• European spruce log volumes were 886,000 m³, down 12% from a month earlier and comprising 21% of overall log stocks.

• Softwood log inventories from other countries (Japanese sugi, European red pine logs, etc.) amounted to 157,000 m³ (-25%).

Please note: China has a five-day Labour Day holiday April 29–May 3, so the inventory for April is updated to April 22 only.

Average daily sales at ocean ports were estimated at 70,000 m³ for the first three weeks in April, versus 49,075 m³ in April 2022 and 110,875 m³ in April 2021. Log wholesale market prices continued their downward trend, dropping by RMB 40–60/m³ in late April at Taicang and Lanshan from values in late March. Higher stock levels of older European spruce logs are still the largest risk factor that could lead to a further price decline.

This means traders and distributors may have to drop their price levels in order to move inventories quickly ahead of the low season. It is predicted that new arrivals of spruce logs will decrease rapidly after May once all of the purchasing volumes confirmed in December and January have been fully shipped. This might lead to a significant reduction in spruce log inventories.

For more information on FEA’s China Bulletin where this data is reported monthly, please click here, or contact Matt Robertson at

Source: FEA

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Half a century of coal-fired power generation ends

Drax has announced that almost 50 years of power generation from coal at its North Yorkshire power station has come to an end.

Drax has announced that almost 50 years of power generation from coal at its North Yorkshire power station has come to an end.
• Drax Power Station was once Western Europe’s largest coal-fired power station but has been transformed into the UK’s single-largest generator of renewable electricity.
• Drax Power Station’s four biomass units generated 12.7TWh of electricity in 2022.

Global renewable energy company Drax has announced the official end of coal-fired generation at Drax Power Station in North Yorkshire, marking a historic milestone in both the company and the UK’s transformation to a zero-carbon energy future.

Following the discovery of the Selby coalfield, construction of the coal-fired Drax Power Station began nearby in 1967. The power station started generating power out of its first unit in 1974 and in 1975, following the completion of two additional generators, the site officially opened. At the time, this provided enough power for around two million homes and in 1986, power generation capacity was doubled to just under 4GW.

Once the largest coal-fired power station in Western Europe, the plant is now the single largest generator of renewable power in the UK. Over the last decade four of the power station’s six generating units have been converted to use sustainable biomass, providing the UK with clean, green, and secure renewable electricity.

Following the end of the winter contingency agreement, Drax will now embark on a decommissioning process to remove coal-related infrastructure from the site which will start with the flue gas desulphurisation plant that was built in the 1990s to remove 90% of the sulphur from the plant’s air emissions.

Will Gardiner, Drax Group CEO, said “By converting the plant to use sustainable biomass we have not only continued generating the secure power millions of homes and businesses rely on, but we have also played a significant role in enabling the UK’s power system to decarbonise faster than any other in the world.

“We’re now planning to go further by using bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) to permanently remove millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year, and we are engaged in discussions with the UK Government to move this £2bn project forward.

“The global momentum for converting coal-fired power stations to biomass is growing as more countries work to reduce their emissions by moving away from fossil fuels to renewables while maintaining their energy security. In recent months, new projects have been announced in countries from Japan to Hungary. If BECCS were eventually added to each of these sites they would be able to remove carbon from the atmosphere while generating power.”

The UK Government aims to deploy 5Mt of engineered CO2 removals per annum from BECCS and other engineered GGR technologies by 2030, rising to 23Mt in 2035 and up to 81Mt in 2050 to keep the UK on a pathway to meet its legislated climate targets.

Source: Drax

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New initiatives for Tasmanian forestry sector

Landowners in Tasmania will be encouraged to learn how they can estimate their carbon impact thanks to the Tasmanian Government’s investment in the future of the State’s forestry sector via a new portal. Minister for Resources, Felix Ellis, said the Farm Forestry Carbon Tool and Workforce Development Portal is supporting the future growth of forestry.

“The Tasmanian Government has invested AU$300,000 to support the development of a range of tools as part of the Forest Industry Workforce Development and Implementation Plan which aims to ensure a skilled forest and wood processing workforce into the future,” he said.

“Developed collaboratively by the Tasmania Forestry Hub and Private Forests Tasmania, the Carbon Farm Forestry Tool enables farmers to estimate their carbon impact and potential tree offset opportunities, with the hope that it will encourage landowners to plant more trees on their properties.

“The Carbon Farm Forestry Tool supports the Tasmanian Government’s vision to mitigate long-term climate change impacts nationally and internally and is designed to provide estimates to support farmers as they start conversations and planning about carbon neutrality on their farms.”

The tool is a world first and was developed by Tasmanian tech company Indicium Dynamics, and is now available online on the Private Forestry Tasmania website.

The Workforce Development Portal will allow employers in the forest industry to easily access information on employment, training, and apprenticeships to support career development. The Portal will also be available to members of the public who are interested in understanding training requirements and career pathways and provide information about the State’s forest industry.

The project will be rolled out over the next two years and is supported by the Tasmanian Training and Skills Development Service, which is funded by the Australian and Tasmanian Government to support the rebuilding and reskilling of the State’s forest and timber industry.

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TED Vancouver: Fighting wildfires from space

Aerospace executive talks new tools to help fight wildfires from space. With "mega fires" of more than 40,000 hectares becoming more prevalent, George Whitesides says better satellites are among the innovative tools firefighters need to cope with them.

Former aerospace executive George Whitesides has ideas for bringing new tools to combat the risk of mega fires — wildfire conflagrations greater than 40,000 hectares that are happening with increasing frequency. Those tools include better satellites and more terrestrial remote sensing technologies for firefighters to use in decision making, which Whitesides touched on during a presentation at the TED Talks conference Wednesday in Vancouver.

Mega fires can threaten aquifers, incinerate biodiversity “and even cause forest conversion,” where flames scorch the landscape so deeply that trees don’t grow back, Whitesides said. Then they also have a huge impact on carbon emissions. “I think there’s a lot more we could be doing to support frontline firefighters with technology,” Whitesides, the former Virgin Galactic CEO said of his reinvention as “firetech” entrepreneur.

He added that firefighting agencies typically don’t have a lot of money for research, so he’s using his venture-capital startup Convective Capital to direct private financing into remote drone-based systems and satellite technology. “We’ve been talking with different companies and entities who are thinking about ways to improve that radically … by a factor of 100, or more,” Whitesides said.

B.C.-based wildfire expert Mike Flannigan agreed that satellite imagery has become an important decision-making tool for firefighting agencies recently and they are all looking for better information as climate change ramps up fire risks across Western Canada. “Unwanted fires are put out by boots on the ground,” said Flannigan, the B.C. research chair in fire science at Thompson Rivers University. “Technology helps make the decision where to put those boots, but it’s the boots that do the work. But decision making is critical.”

To that point, Whitesides’ TED presentation was less about technology and more about a holistic approach to wildfire management, which includes “building resilient landscapes.” That means letting some fires burn, at appropriate times, to clear the forest of the accumulations of dry brush and scrub that act as tinder for mega fires.

And Whitesides said higher-resolution satellites, coupled with remote sensors on drones, can help managers decide which fires pose a danger and need to be fought and which are beneficial enough to let burn. In B.C., Flannigan said managers refer to that as a “modified response,” and Canadian authorities are leading their own technological effort to improve the information used in making decisions on when to do it.

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Waratah NZ appoints new manager

Waratah is pleased to announce the appointment of Barry Gates as Area Manager Retail for Waratah Forestry Services of New Zealand. Barry will take up the leadership of the New Zealand Retail business from Nelson Iliev whom has recently elected to retire after a remarkable 23 years of Waratah Retail Customer Service.

In this WFS Area Manager role, Barry will lead their New Zealand Retail team to support the Waratah customer base, lead the National Customer Sales Role and reinforce the Waratah commitment to the New Zealand Forest industry. Barry brings his passion for people, the Waratah product and a quality Customer support culture which will, without doubt, inspire and strengthen the business.

Barry’s brings a wealth of previous experiences within the Waratah business including that of: Retail Customer Service Engineer, Retail Service Manager, Engineering and PV&V, Waratah Distribution Centre Customer Support, Global Product Support & Warranty Manager and most recently leading the Waratah New Zealand Factory team as the Factory Production Manager.

Source: Jules Larsen, GM Distribution and Operations, Waratah Australia, New Zealand, Asia Pacific and Africa

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10-story wood building passes earthquake test

The building swayed as it would have in the 1999 Jiji earthquake in Taiwan. That magnitude 7.7 quake killed more than 2,000 people. Buildings made of steel and concrete were destroyed.

But the wood-framed high rise, built recently on UC San Diego’s Scripps Ranch shake table, showed no visible damage. “The building is fine. We don’t need repair. Maybe we need to patch some drywall but that’s about it,” said Shiling Pei, a professor of civil engineering at Colorado School of Mines, and lead investigator for the Tallwood Project.

The Tallwood Project is a partnership between UCSD and the Colorado School of Mines, among other universities. Its test of the 10-story building is remarkable in many ways.

For one, it was the tallest full-scale building ever to be built and tested on a shake table. Secondly, it used an earthquake-safe design called “rocking walls.” And, of course, its columns and beams are made of that sustainable resource, timber.

“Another big advantage of timber is it’s light. It’s only one fifth the weight of concrete. And it’s very forgiving. It’s like a big tree in a windstorm.” Pei said. This building was also engineered to rock with the motion of the earth. The bottoms of the exterior walls actually rise off the ground as it rocks, secured by flexible steel cables.

“The bottom of the wall is going to uplift about an inch. A little bit less than an inch, and then on the other side,” said Joel Conte, professor of structural engineering at UCSD’s Jacobs School of Engineering. “And this wall is pre-compressed against the foundation with these tendons. You can see two steel tendons. They’re like gigantic bungee cords,” Conte added.

California’s building code now allows buildings up to 18 stories tall to be built from what’s called mass timber. The industry needs to be convinced that timber buildings are safe and practical.

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Source: kpbs

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Is AI going to replace our jobs?

The transition is already happening. If time, pull up a chair and take a look at this video which looks at how AI will impact on highly specialised jobs.

In this video, a group of architects compete with AI to design a house to match a specific site, come up with a concept and pull together drawings and detailed specs. If you think writing a student's essay through ChatGPT is an amazing leap forward, check this one out. It’s certainly an eye opener.

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PONSSE receives 2023 Automation Prize

Ponsse’s and Epec’s technology concept PONSSE EV1 has been rewarded with the Finnish Society of Automation’s Automation prize. The prize is given every two years by society to reward significant research and development work done in the field of automation.

PONSSE EV1 is an electric forest machine technology concept developed by Ponsse and its technology company Epec in cooperation. It was launched as a technology concept in August 2022. The forest machine will be commercially available later. Epec’s technology can already be used in electric or hybrid-electric commercial vehicles and non-road mobile machines.

The concept was developed by a team whose work is strongly linked to promoting the green transition and ensuring the competitiveness of Finnish mobile work machine industry. The PONSSE EV1 concept took its first steps in 2019 when Ponsse and Epec started to investigate responsible power source solutions in line with sustainable development. The PONSSE EV1 features Epec Flow, Epec’s electromobility system solution.

"The Automation prize is a great recognition for the entire EV1 team, their efficient work enabled the completion and release of the concept machine within the planned schedule. The concept is an important part of Ponsse's journey towards carbon-neutral logging solutions," says Kalle Einola, Ponsse's product development manager.

Automation prize is given every two years by the Finnish Society of Automation. It rewards significant research and development done in automation, from the application to the use of industry or society, or other activities that have promoted the field of automation. The prize can be given to an individual, team, company, or other entity.

Source: Ponsse

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... and one to end the week on ... I'm getting married

An oldie but a goodie.

Dearest Dad:

I am coming home to get married soon, so get your cheque book out.

I'm in love with a boy who is far away from me. As you know, I am presently living in Australia ... and he lives in Scotland . We met on a dating website, became friends on Facebook, had long chats on Whatsapp. He proposed to me on Skype, and now we've had two months of a relationship through Viber.

My beloved and favorite Dad, I need your blessing, good wishes, and a really big wedding.

Lots of love and thanks.

Your favorite daughter, Lilly

DAD'S RESPONSE: My Dearest Lilly:

Like Wow! Really? Cool!

I suggest you two get married on Twitter, have a honeymoon on Tango, buy your kids on Amazon, and pay for it all through PayPal. And when you get fed up with this new husband, sell him on eBay.

Love, Your Dad.

A police recruit was asked during the exam, 'What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?'

He answered, 'Call for backup.'

And one more. A 98-year-old Mother Superior from Ireland was dying.

The nuns gathered around her bed trying to make her last journey comfortable. They tried giving her some warm milk to drink but she refused it.

One of the nuns took the glass back to the kitchen and remembering a bottle of Irish Whiskey received as a gift the previous Christmas, she opened it and poured a generous amount into the warm milk.

Back at Mother Superior's bed, she held the glass to her lips. Mother drank a little, then a little more and before they knew it, she had drank the whole glass down to the last drop.

"Mother," the nuns asked with earnest, "please give us some wisdom before you die."

She raised herself up in bed and said, "Don't sell that cow."

On that note, enjoy your weekend. Cheers.

Brent Apthorp
Editor, Friday Offcuts
Distinction Dunedin Hotel
6 Liverpool Street, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand
PO Box 904, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand
Tel: +64 (03) 470 1902, Mob: +64 21 227 5177

John Stulen
PO Box 1230, Rotorua, 3040
Tel: +64 7 921 1381
Mob: +64 27 275 8011

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