High Productivity Motor Vehicles – 2 years on

Friday 3 Aug 2012

NZTA says that they have certainly come a long way since the amended Vehicle Dimensions and Mass (VDM) Rule came into effect and introduced HPMVs in May 2010. Here are some statistics and a few highlights over that time:

• 1876 HPMV applications have been received since1 May 2010 – 782 permits were issued for higher mass and 1094 were issued for over-length HPMVs.

• They have investigated 4500kms of potential routes that will make up the strategic HPMV freight network.

• Approximately 2900 kms has been approved for HPMV access.

• Productivity gains in the first year showed a 20% reduction in trips for the same freight task under higher mass permits and a 14% reduction in trips for over length. Benefits to the economy were estimated at $9 million with no capital investment.

• The NZTA has produced an HPMV manual setting out the current policy, standards, processes and procedures for the permitting of HPMVs.

• We have started a project to simplify and integrate processes for permitting heavy transport vehicles as a means of improving customer service and freight productivity.

For more information visit www.nzta.govt.nz/HPMV .

Some of the issues around working with NZTA and local councils on opening up HPMV routes will be covered by leading transport and forest products companies in the upcoming ForestTECH - Improving Wood Transport & Logistics event being planned for Rotorua on 4-5 December. Details will follow shortly.

Source: NZ Transport Agency

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