FIEA wood residues conference: time for action

Friday 3 May 2024

Low carbon economies, extreme weather events, and building resilient domestic supply chains are critical issues in 2024 and beyond. In New Zealand, this has created opportunities for the forestry sector, including significant investments in forest residues. Harvesting regulations are mandating more wood be collected from the forest site, and biochar technologies are now being commercialised and capital is flowing to new plants to develop the supply chain for realistic buyers and sellers.

With this lifting in activity, FIEA is pleased to announce our latest Residues2Revenues 2024 event. This wood residues event will, once again, bring together everyone with an interest and expertise in extracting value from wood through residues.

With a diverse set of speakers, including Sir Ian Taylor from Animation Research and young entrepreneur, Elisa Harley, who is well on her way to making millions of plant pots from under-utilised wood residues. We have a thought-provoking mix of speakers and highlight commercial successes from New Zealand, Australia, Chile and more. 

The programme includes speakers from: Patron, NZ Product Accelerator, US Biochar Initiative, Air New Zealand, Mitsui Bussan Woodchip Oceania, Ahika Consulting, Scion, Rayonier Matariki Forests, Oji Fibre Solutions, Futurity Bio Ventures, Mackwell & Co, Stevens Group, Hot Lime Labs, Living Energy, Margules Groome and CarbonScape.

Click here for the full programme. Registrations are open.

Source: FIEA

Residues2Revenues 2024

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