Benefits of 3D laser scanning in forest conservation

Friday 24 Nov 2023

3D laser scanning is a cutting-edge technology that has revolutionised how we capture and visualise the world. By using laser beams to measure the distances and shapes of objects, structures, and landscapes, it creates exact, three- dimensional representations. 

Scanning in forest conservation can solve a lot of problems. For instance, with 3D laser scanning services, engineers can navigate through dense vegetation and uneven terrain. It is a time-effective way to get through thick canopies while offering a panoramic view of the area for the best data insights. 

How 3D laser scanning would help in forest conservation? 

In forest conservation, 3D laser scanning has emerged as a powerful tool for understanding, protecting, and managing critical ecosystems. In this technique, a laser scanner emits laser beams that bounce off environmental surfaces and return to the scanner. 

By precisely measuring the time it takes for the laser pulses to return, the scanner calculates the distance to the objects and creates a point cloud. Point Cloud is a collection of data points that form an accurate 3D representation of the forest. 

These point clouds are so detailed that they can capture the shape and structure of trees, understory vegetation, and the forest floor with exceptional precision.

Identifying Deforestation Sites

Deforestation is a significant problem that can lead to sudden climate change, increase in temperature and loss of flora and fauna. Illegal logging can also cause accidents landslides, and destroy the terrain. 

3D laser scanning helps identify such deforestation sites. This early detection is instrumental in preventing further deforestation, preserving biodiversity, and maintaining the vital carbon sequestration function of forests. 3D laser scanning empowers conservationists and authorities to take timely action in safeguarding these precious ecosystems, making it an indispensable tool in the fight against deforestation.

Detecting Potential Forest Fires

One of the most significant risks in forest conservation is detecting hazards such as forest fires and landslides. These hazards can damage acres of land and destroy various plants and animal species. 

3D laser scanning helps to identify such potential threats and resolve them before any damage occurs. In this method, engineers can scan and replicate the forest floor into detailed 3D images. Digital rendering and scanning then give insights into land elevation, soil quality, terrain, vegetation, etc. 

Researchers can compare 3D laser scans done over some time to assess any potential threats, tree decay, unstable slopes, etc. 3D scanning also assists in modelling fire behaviour and predicting the paths it can spread to. With these insights, conservationists can easily prevent these hazards and mitigate the risks.  

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Source: Chris Patchell, Avian
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