Timber QLD's five point plan to grow sector

Friday 4 Oct 2024

The peak state body for the forest and timber industry in Queensland, has released its key policy recommendations in the lead up to the state election, to support essential timber supply chains to meet the state’s growing housing and construction needs.

Timber Queensland CEO Mick Stephens said, “Our local plantation softwood and native hardwood and cypress forest sectors already make a significant contribution to the supply of timber and engineered wood products for the state’s building needs. However, Queensland’s population is bursting at the seams and will need more timber to meet future housing and construction demand including for our homes, schools, hospitals, apartments, and offices.”

“The good news is that with the right policy settings and provision of resource security, the industry can invest in more forest resources and new plant and equipment, together with skilled jobs, to meet the rising demand for building materials such as timber. In addition, the industry is renewable and can help governments and the private sector to reduce their carbon footprint in the built environment through the use of wood products, which have far lower emissions than other materials such as steel and concrete.”

That is why the timber industry is advocating for a five point plan that can address the investment needs of industry and the role Government can take in unlocking the potential for industry to grow and provide essential timber building materials.

“For too long the industry has simply been taken for granted and this election represents an opportunity to make a significant difference in putting the industry back in the forefront of strategic economic development,” Mr Stephens said.

The five key themes of the plan include: resource security for the native hardwood sector; new investment drivers for plantations and farm forestry; wood processing innovation and supply chain efficiency; workforce development and training; and indigenous forestry opportunities.

“We urge all parties to recognise the multiple benefits from a strong local timber industry, which has historically been the backbone of many regional communities and the state’s housing and public infrastructure development. We are passionate and committed to working with government, stakeholders, and industry for sustained growth. We care about our industry, our people, our environment, and our future.”

The Timber Queensland election policy statement can be found here.

Source: Timber Queensland

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