Wind farm opportunities with Forestry Corporation

Friday 31 May 2024

Forestry Corporation has just reached an important milestone to explore the potential for wind farms within public pine plantations to contribute to the NSW transition to renewable energy.

Chief Executive Officer Anshul Chaudhary has announced that Neoen, Iberdrola Australia, TagEnergy and Mainstream Renewables Power and Someva Renewables joint venture have been awarded permits to investigate wind farm opportunities in some pine plantations in the Central West and Southern Inland regions.

Mr Chaudhary said the permits will enable the proponents to investigate wind farm opportunities in pine plantations in the State Forests around Bondo, Orange, Black Springs and Sunny Corner.

“Today’s announcement marks the start of the investigation phase under what will be a comprehensive and considered planning process,” he said. “A permit is not a consent to proceed with a project, but it will allow the proponent to start the detailed studies to see if a project is viable within each investigation permit area. Each company will need to conduct detailed wind farm feasibility studies, which will commence with the installation of wind and weather monitoring equipment on meteorological masts.

“Each company will also undertake extensive community consultation and work with local communities to consider and address potential concerns around environmental impact, noise, landscape and visual impacts, traffic and transport issues, hazard and risks, heritage, water and soil impacts and waste management.”

The combined investigation, consultation, planning and approval stages could be expected to take between three and six years. Any approved development would be unlikely to be in operation until the early 2030s.

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Source: Forestry Corporation

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