Environmental Forestry: Earlybird rates end TODAY

Friday 17 May 2024

Earlybird rates end this Friday for Environmental Forestry Conference

On 25-26 June, our FIEA Annual Environmental Forestry Conference is running. Registrations are going very well. We bring practical foresters together with local regulators and national policy-makers to debate and bring constructive change for production forestry and our environment, with a focus on practical actions and measurable outcomes. We’ve used your feedback to choose speakers for our June conference.

Everyone in forestry is facing tough challenges. The weather, and new regulations, are at the top of most of our lists. One way to make positive change in the face of adversity is getting together with others and gaining inspiration from sharing success stories. This can help motivate your team in difficult circumstances.

We’re pleased to announce another speaker from Zero Invasive Predators (ZIP). Courtney Hamblin is an experienced pest management specialist. In her role as Adaptive Management Director she works with teams on the ground. Click here to see her background.

The importance of planted forests to falcon populations, especially in Kaingaroa Forest, is well studied and well-known. Not so in the South Island, until now. A lesser known falcon population has also been studied to monitor health and development in South Island forests. Graham Parker is a specialist from Parker Conservation South who will also speak about his work down south. Click here to read more about Graham’s work.

Through FSC many forestry companies are required to mitigate their impact on New Zealand falcons. However there is a shortage of data to guide improved mitigation practices for falcon - forestry interactions. Graham and his team have worked with seven forestry companies in Otago to better quantify the falcon population, the nature of interactions, and provide updated management recommendations for use in FSC, and beyond.

To view the programme and register, click here.

Environmental Forestry 2024

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