Forestry Australia awards inspiring individuals

Friday 20 Oct 2023

The largest ever cohort of forestry experts have been awarded prestigious Forestry Australia Fellow status at a special ceremony at the 2023 ANZIF conference on the Gold Coast.

Forestry Australia CEO Jacquie Martin said the Merit Awards Committee was thrilled with the calibre of forest sector leaders who were nominated for the award.

"This record number of recipients is a sign of the growing strength of Australia’s sustainable forestry sector, and the incredible forest scientists, managers and growers involved."

The 2023 Forestry Australia Fellows are: Bob Gordon, TAS; Dr Kevin Harding, QLD; Dr Lachie McCaw, WA; Dr Michelle Freeman, VIC; Dr Stuart Davey, ACT; Ruth Ryan, VIC; Penny Wells, TAS; Peter Fagg, VIC; Rob de Fegely, NSW.

In addition, the late great Dr Kevin Tolhurst has been awarded the N.W. Jolly Medal. This is the highest honour for outstanding service to the forest science profession in Australia.

Dr Freeman said the award was a timely opportunity to celebrate the achievements of Dr Tolhurst, following his sudden passing this month.

"The loss of Kevin has been felt deeply by many in our community and beyond," Dr Freeman said. "Kevin’s contribution to forest and fire management has been phenomenal, and his knowledge and passion were truly awe- inspiring.

"It speaks to Kevin’s intellect that he was nationally and internationally recognised as an expert in a wide range of areas – fire ecologist, fire scientist, professional forester, lecturer, practitioner, academic and collaborator."

Two other awards were also announced. Forestry scientist and world-renowned agroforester Rowan Reid joined Dr Tolhurst in receiving the 2023 N.W Jolly Medal.

"Rowan is a visionary, and an exceptionally deserved recipient of the highest honour in the forestry profession," Dr Freeman said.

"He has put his knowledge into practice with his family farm in the Otway Ranges, Bambra Agroforestry Farm, a 42-hectare outdoor classroom visited by more than 12,000 farmers, scientists, students and tree lovers."

The Prince of Wales Award was awarded to Jenna Hammond (photo) at the conference. This award is a recognition of the achievement of an outstanding young to mid-career forest professional.

"Tasmania’s Jenna Hammond is a forest steward standout and an exceptionally worthy recipient of the Prince of Wales Award," Dr Freeman said.

Source: Forestry Australia

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