New public housing construction for regional NZ

Friday 29 Sep 2023

The latest NZ public housing plan update was released by the Housing Minister highlighted significant boosts of public housing for regional New Zealand over the next two years

“We’re delivering the most public homes each year since the Nash government of the 1950s with one in six homes in New Zealand’s entire public housing stock having been delivered in the last six years,” Megan Woods said.

Most of the 13,000 public homes delivered are brand new builds, and we’ve provided over 4,000 more transitional homes with wrap around services, but we’re just getting started.

“The Updated Public Housing Plan: Including 2024 -2025 delivery outlines where in New Zealand, the 3,000 additional homes announced in Budget 2023, will go.

“We are on track to provide the 21,000 public and transitional homes we have funded, by 2025,” Megan Woods said. We can't forget this is also an election year and National has also promised to do a better job of building and managing social housing if they win in October.

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Does NZ have the capacity?

Increased funding for public housing was initially announced in May's national Budget to address the housing crisis and ensure a solid pipeline of work for the building sector. Industry experts welcomed the news, but questions remained about how it would be rolled out given the KiwiBuild experience. Read here for further details.

Sources: Inside Government NZ, Stuff
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