New CEO of New Forests appointed

Friday 20 Jan 2023

New Forests has announced the appointment of Mark Rogers to the role of Chief Executive Officer, replacing David Brand who will take on a new role as Chair of New Forests. Mark will commence his new role on 3 April 2023, while working closely with David Brand over the first quarter of 2023 to ensure a smooth transition.

Mark joined New Forests in 2016 as Managing Director, Australia, New Zealand and took on the additional responsibility for the United States as Senior Managing Director in 2019, overseeing the investments and business lines in those regions managing teams across acquisitions, operations and investment analytics.

During his time at New Forests, Mark has overseen strong investment performance and assets under management have grown from approximately AU$3 billion to almost AU$10 billion today. Prior to New Forests, Mark held senior leadership roles across other real asset companies where he was responsible for businesses and teams including acquisitions, distribution, project development and finance.

In addition to David’s role as Chair, he will work on strategic growth opportunities for New Forests, looking at new markets and new opportunities for the business in support of New Forests senior executive team. He will continue to chair New Forests’ investment committees and remain as Chair of New Forests until June 2025.

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Source: New Forests

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