Australian mill produces last ream of white paper

Friday 27 Jan 2023

White paper is no longer being made in Australia after the nation's last ream came off the line at the weekend, with the potential to send paper prices skyrocketing. Opal Australian Paper's Maryvale mill has suspended white paper production indefinitely due to a lack of timber supply, with VicForests' operations halted across the state.

The mill, near Traralgon in eastern Victoria, was the nation's last producer of white paper, which has a variety of uses, including office supplies, exercise books, printed bills, envelopes and custom posters. Opal has not said it will permanently stop manufacturing white paper at the plant but that it was "seriously considering" the future closure of its white paper operations.

The mill previously produced up to 200,000 tonnes of white paper per year, with 300 reams of paper created a minute. The end of white paper production in Australia is also sending prices for paper skyrocketing.

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Source: ABC

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