HarvestTECH 2019 details now out

Friday 14 Dec 2018

The 2015 harvesting event, HarvestTECH was a SELL OUT. The 2017 event likewise sold out. Both at the time were the largest gathering of harvesting contractors, forestry managers, forest owners, harvest planners and all of the major equipment suppliers to the logging industry seen in New Zealand. Around 450 met in Rotorua, New Zealand.

In addition to having most logging contractors from throughout the country attending, the events drew in a large contingent of contractors and forest managers from throughout Australia, as well as attracting key equipment suppliers, researchers, forestry companies and international contractors from Europe, the US, Canada, Papua New Guinea and Asia.

2019 is shaping up to be another standout. Already, as well as key local equipment and technology suppliers, most major international equipment providers will be bringing in international expertise for the event. Leading contractors have already committed to present, as part of the two-day event, on new and innovative technologies along with some pretty clever operating practices that they’ve employed. This includes processes which are making a significant difference to their both their operations productivity and safety.

So, what’s being covered?

- Recent innovations in steep slope and winch assist harvesting
- Getting the best out of existing hauler & ground-based operations
- Harvest planning - new systems really making a difference
- Effective use of collected data from your harvesting operation
- Options for eliminating log sorts and reducing landing sizes
- Tools & Systems for harvesting smaller woodlots
- Remote sensing technologies for harvest planning and operations
- Solutions for improving in-forest communications
- Increased automation and mechanisation - new R&D
- Remote control, robotics, virtual reality and automation in the bush
- Filling the skills gap in harvesting

The full programmes can now be viewed on line. You can check out what’s being planned on the event website, harvesttech.events.

As anticipated, at this stage, many of the exhibition stands have been taken. If a supplier to wood harvesting operations in this region and you haven’t as yet booked a space, best get onto it (contact gordon.thomson@fiea.org.nz or Tel: +64 7 921 1384) before you break for Christmas to avoid missing out.

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