New CEO for forest contractors

Friday 23 Feb 2018

It’s being announced that Prue Younger has accepted the position as Chief Executive for FICA (Forest Industry Contractors Association). Prue will commence this role on April 1, 2018 in a part time capacity for the next 12 months, as she will continue as Eastland Wood Council CEO until a new appointment is made.

Prue has an extensive background in marketing, promotions & event management. She has several governance roles and chair positions in sport, health and community trusts. As director of Public Impressions Ltd, she has also been instrumental in the establishment of several forestry award campaigns around the country.

Eastland Wood Council (EWC) would like to thank her for her great efforts over the past 2 ½ years, she has really moved EWC forward and set the benchmark for what a wood council can achieve so it will be a great loss to the organisation. However, we congratulate her on her appointment with FICA and am sure they will benefit from her skill base and knowledge now in the forest industry.

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