Framework for Independent Forestry Safety Review agreed

Thursday 17 Apr 2014

New Zealand’s Independent Forestry Safety Review Panel has agreed on a framework for doing its work and work is well underway on the development of a public consultation document. Panel Chair, George Adams said “the framework will help the Panel engage with industry stakeholders and the public.

For the framework, the Review Panel has drawn from the work of the Independent Taskforce on Workplace Health and Safety. The Taskforce formed a view that there were three key features (the workplace, people in a workplace and work organisation), which “combine together within a workplace to determine the workplaces’ safety culture and collectively impact on the workplace health and safety outcomes for the workplace”. The three themes have been used to create work streams for the Review.

The consultation document will set out the key issues impacting on health and safety in the forestry sector as the Panel understands them. It will also set out some options for change. But, the Panel Chair notes “there are no silver bullets – It is clear from our work so far, health and safety in the forest is not about one or two big changes. It will be about many changes, for everyone: forest owners, forest managers, contractors and workers”. This was made clear when the Panel visited some forest sites in Rotorua.

The Panel will be inviting feedback on the issues and on the options. It will be asking for written submission. Along with the consultation document, the Panel will travel to some forestry regions in mid to late June over a period of three weeks.

The Panel will be meeting with key industry stakeholders, forestry health and safety experts and forestry contractors and workers in the regions. Details of the consultation process will be made available on the Review’s website, To signal interest in attending the consultation process people can email,

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