PIRSA - New toolkit to help 'Trees on Farms'
Friday 22 Mar 2024
A series of information initiatives aimed at advising potential
farmers and landowners interested in the on-farm forest
plantation sector is now available as part of Trees on
Farm initiative. This includes a toolkit, developed by the
South Australian Government, in tandem with the
Green Triangle Forest Industries Hub (GTFIH), featuring
expert information and printable fact sheets to support and guide
landholders in their commercial plantation investment.
In addition to the toolkit, other information for
prospective growers is also available from five research reports and
associated seminar videos conducted under the Trees on Farm initiative
from both the PIRSA and GTFIH
websites. The research projects, focussed on short rotation silviculture,
include topics such as:
- Development of rotation silviculture – which
explored current and alternative Tasmanian bluegum (hardwood) and radiata
pine (softwood) management (silviculture) regimes. By considering expected
time frames for harvest, the farm property plan, and intended markets,
there is potential to match a range of forest management regimes to an
individual farmer’s property and production system.
- Enhancing commercial viability via logistics and processes
- includes a snapshot of Green Triangle softwood processors and
hardwood woodchip exporters, tables of indicative softwood and hardwood
harvest yields, indicative harvesting and haulage costs, approximate
roading costs, and typical mill door prices.
- Spatial analysis of suitable land areas for trees into farming
- Four plantation management regimes are modelled using the
Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM), and likely forest wood
harvest volumes generated at thinning and final harvest across the project
area are shown on the map.
- Comparison of the Emissions Reduction Fund methods -
primarily compared the ACCU Scheme plantation forestry method (Schedule
1), which focuses on new plantation forests for commercial harvest, with
the farm forestry method, which incorporates both harvest plantation
projects for saleable forest products and permanent planting projects.
Among the conclusions, the analysis suggests the plantation forestry
method is likely to be a better option if a plantation is established for
harvesting wood products.
- Development of taxation treatment in a farming framework
- provides a distilled account of trees, taxation and
superannuation and comprehensive appendices with information sourced from
the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and other sources. The analysis does
not seek to provide specific treatment and outcomes but rather demonstrate
what may be possible subject to a range of considerations.
The GTFIH website also
includes an interactive web map that allows users to explore the
estimates of saleable wood and carbon credits, in agricultural areas
within South Australia and western Victoria.
The two
year, A$650,000 Trees on Farm initiative, jointly funded by the
Australian and South Australian Governments, is aimed at boosting the
growth and development of the on-farm forest plantation sector,
particularly in the Green Triangle region.
For further
information on the Trees on Farm initiative including the toolkit,
research reports and videos and interactive map visit the PIRSA and GTFIH websites.
Source: PIRSA