Application for first Hunter Valley green electricity power station

Friday 22 Mar 2024

Verdant Earth Technologies Limited has lodged a development application and is seeking approval to restart the Redbank Power Station using biomass (excluding native forestry residues from logging) as a sustainable fuel to produce near net zero CO2 emissions and green electricity.

Verdant will not use native forestry bio-material waste from logging activities or coal tailings as a fuel at Redbank. The majority of the biomass to be sourced during initial start up of the power station will be from approved land clearing operations (from existing civil and road works), biomass from invasive native species on agricultural land as approved by Local Land Services NSW and potentially a limited amount of purpose grown biomass. As the feedstock becomes available and approved, biomass will be sourced mainly from purpose grown biomass and end of life woody biomass (referred to as ‘Domestic Biomass Fuel’).

Upon restart, the facility will be one of the largest green baseload renewable energy providers in NSW and the only existing facility capable of providing continuous green 24/7 power with near net-zero CO2 emissions, adding to grid stability. The planning application has been submitted to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure for assessment.

Interested parties can support this initiative by submitting their comments via the website. The deadline for comment is 5pm Thursday 4th April 2024. A project summary is available via this link. A submission guide is also available.

Source: Verdant Earth Technologies

Editor's note: It is important to note that the characteristics of the biomass sector in Australia is different from our New Zealand, European and American readers. The popular FIEA Residues2Revenues conference is returning on 30-31 July 2024 in Rotorua, New Zealand and virtual online.

Residues2Revenues 2024

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