New multi-species carbon calculator available

Friday 22 Mar 2024

A new multi-species carbon calculator developed by Mark Kimberley and Michael Watt to support grower decision-making is freely available on the Forest Growers Research website ( Multi-Species Carbon Calculator (

The calculator predicts growth metrics for eleven species that include radiata pine, Douglas-fir and nine other widely planted exotic species. NZ forest growers can use the calculator to explore the impacts of site, rotation length and different silvicultural regimes on tree growth, timber yield, log grade out-turn and carbon sequestration.

The calculator and a help file can be downloaded at : Multi-Species Carbon Calculator ( and an article describing the calculator in more detail is available here.

The growth models within the calculator were developed using permanent sample plot (PSP) measurements. Predictions from the multi-species calculator of carbon, volume and wood density over 100 years for a typical North Island site are shown below for four species.


Source: Scion

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