Positive forestry announcements in Tasmania welcomed

Friday 8 Mar 2024

With the Tasmanian election campaign in full swing the Australian Forest Contractors Association has welcomed the positive policy announcements from the Liberal Party, General Manager Tim Lester said.

“Last week’s announcements on timber resource security recognise that the forest product supply chain needs certainty in order to facilitate investment,” Tim Lester said.

“Sustainable forestry offers Tasmania and Tasmanians the opportunity to achieve a triple win with secure, high quality jobs generating an incredible, renewable and in-demand material that is ripe for value-adding, and deliver positive results for the environment, biodiversity and climate change.

Forest contractors are a critical part of the local supply chain and welcome all efforts to strengthen the industry within Tasmania to protect jobs, boost the economy and help to meet ambitious climate change targets.

“Forest management needs to focus on the long-term, so we know that we can keep delivering positive results for generations of Tasmanians to come. A political and policy environment that provides certainty for business investment is absolutely critical, and we welcome the promises from Jeremy Rockliffe and Felix Ellis that support this goal,” Mr Lester concluded.

Source: Australian Forest Contractors Association (AFCA) 

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