Forestry investing in women to accelerate progress

Friday 8 Mar 2024

Forestry Corporation is honouring the significant contribution that women make in the forestry industry. Friday 8 March 2024 marks International Women’s Day and this year's theme is Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress.

As a major player in Australian forestry – a traditionally male-dominated industry - Forestry Corporation stands proud of its gender equality in the workplace. Women currently make up a quarter of the workforce with many female leaders in management roles standing at the forefront of the industry.

Forestry Corporation’s Talent & OD Business Partner Amba Addinsall said there has been a marked increase in female representation in Forestry Corporation’s executive and leadership teams.

“Our executive leadership team has hit gender parity for the first time ever and 24% of our senior leaders are now women,” Ms Addinsall said.

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Source: Forestry Corporation NSW

Why we celebrate International Women's Day at HQP

March 8 is International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the achievements of women and a call to action for accelerating gender equality and eliminating bias. This year, Jason Wilson, HQPlantations CEO, says we have a lot to celebrate...and more to do.

"Once a year we take the time on International Women’s Day to recognise how far we have come over the last few decades to improve equality and inclusion for women. It is also a day to focus our attention on how far we have yet to go," said Jason.

The appointment of HQP’s first female District Manager, Tracey Grigor, and first female General Manager, Michelle McAndrew, helped HQP make better decisions that are more informed and with more diverse views. 

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Source: HQPlantations

Bonus Coverage

Last month was a different, but related day, called the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. We profiled a couple of stories on this date. Scion posted a video we missed, but still relevant to today and celebrates the important work women are doing throughout the industry.

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