46,000 kilometres for SCA's electric log truck

Friday 1 Mar 2024

SCA's electric log truck continues to transport timber between Gimonäs timber terminal and Obbola paper mill outside Umeå. It has now been in operation for over 1.5 years. Everything is working as intended, and they are receiving inquiries from haulage companies and others who want to learn more about heavy electric vehicle transport, says Mikael Sundelin, Head of Business Development at Industrial Supply.

Since SCA's unique electric log truck was put into operation in June 2022, it has covered a distance of 46,000 kilometres, equivalent to more than one lap around the globe. Over a year of operation, the electric log truck contributes to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 55,000 kg per year.

With a capacity to carry 80 tons, the electric log truck's daily task is to transport logs between Gimonäs timber terminal and Obbola paper mill outside Umeå. The round trip covers a distance of 30 km, and it completes approximately six rounds per day. The truck needs to be charged about two times during a working day.

Different tests

The significant interest in the electric log truck has led it to undertake some other tasks. In 2023, SCA drove it on a forest road with winter conditions outside Umeå to assess its ability to transport wood directly from the forest to Obbola paper mill. It also faced a more challenging environment during a few March days in Näsåker, together with Själander Åkeri AB, a partner of SCA Skog.

"It has been fun and rewarding to be able to test the vehicle with both longer and heavier transports in proper winter conditions and in a more hilly landscape than we have around Umeå. All tests have gone very well", says Mikael. SCA receives data, including electric consumption primarily, from Scania.

"It is evident that consumption has decreased as our drivers become more experienced and learn to drive it in an optimal way. During winter, especially on extremely cold days, it consumes more electricity, but we already know that – it's the same for electric cars", says Mikael.

Drive sustainability development

All driving and various tests provide SCA with valuable insights into electric propulsion for heavy transport. "This is, as mentioned, a first step towards electric propulsion in heavy road transport, which is incredibly significant. It's exciting that SCA, together with innovative partners, can drive sustainable development, says Mikael. We also receive enquiries from haulage companies and others who want to learn more about electric propulsion for heavy transport for goods other than logs."

To explore the large and significant shifts that have occurred and operational results from larger transport fleets, including log transport operations and Australasia’s electric log truck operating in the Green Triangle region of Australia, over the past 12 months, this region’s major Wood Transport & Logistics 2024 event has been set up for the forestry, log haulage and contracting companies in Rotorua, New Zealand on 22-23 May 2024. Last year was a sell-out. Programme details can be found on the event website.

Source: Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (SCA)

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