Smart technologies advance the monitoring of RNC

Friday 9 Feb 2024

Using innovative satellite detection methods, Indufor’s Dwell monitoring system is now capable of detecting Red Needle Cast (RNC) outbreaks.

The science, developed in a collaborative effort between Indufor and Scion, studies sporadic outbreaks of RNC, caused by a fungal-like organism, Phytophthora pluvialis) over multiple years. In 2023, fuelled by a long-wet summer, the disease proliferated.

Using the capabilities of image time-series processing (at scale), algorithms were built under Dwell, to generate RNC alerts. This provided insights into the location and distribution of the disease across large areas. The results were then pushed to Dwell’s web application ( dashboard) platform, providing an intuitive way for forest growers to share observations and track the spread and severity of outbreaks.

“Dwell provides an important link to understanding the drivers of outbreaks, giving forest owners the ability to react quicker to outbreaks to limit RNC’s impact” says Andrew Holdaway from Indufor’s resource monitoring team.

Looking toward 2024 work has already begun to investigate the interaction between environmental indicators, surfaces and RNC expression with the goal of adding early warning capability to Dwell.

Click here to learn more about the development of Dwell’s RNC alerts, as presented by Andrew Holdaway at the Remote Sensing Cluster Group in November 2023 held in conjunction with ForestTECH 2023.

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