Forest Industry wide COVID-19 survey - closes TODAY

Friday 2 Feb 2024

The NZ industry is invited to take part in a survey about the forest industry's experiences during Covid-19. The survey is being done by the NZ Forest and Wood Sector Forum and will inform forestry's submission to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into lessons learnt from New Zealand's response to COVID-19. The deadline for completing the survey is Friday 2 February.

In December 2022 the Government announced the appointment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry to look at lessons learned from Aotearoa New Zealand’s response to COVID-19 that should be applied in preparation for any future pandemic.

Forestry has been invited to provide a submission relating to the areas in scope for the Inquiry.

To create the most useful report possible, the NZ Forest and Wood Sector Forum (Pan Sector Group) felt it important to have you share your experiences, perspectives, and information to put together one industry-wide submission to the Government. All submissions will be confidential.

Once the report is published by the Royal Commission, our submission, along with other evidence provided to the Commission, will become part of the public record.

The survey is asking for forestry-centric feedback about the Government's response to COVID-19. Please answer the short survey that follows on behalf of your forestry business/organisation. The final submission will be shared with you as a valued player in the forestry supply chain.


The survey closes this Friday 2 February 2024.

Source: Safetree

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