Timber Queensland launches online training resource

Friday 19 Jan 2024

With operations on crown-owned Queensland native forestry subject to understandably complex regulatory obligations, Timber Queensland has released an online resource with a suite of easy-to-follow tools to help operators and permit holders safely and effectively navigate compliance.

The Queensland Native Forestry website ( www.QldNativeForestry.com.au) has been created in line with the Native Forest Operations Capacity Building Project, delivered by Timber Queensland with funding support from the Queensland Government's Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. The work is part of a project to build greater capacity in compliance and improved management systems for operators in the state based native hardwood and cypress sectors.

Timber Queensland Chief Executive Officer, Mick Stephens, said that while the forest and timber industry prides itself on working within a well-regulated environment and wholeheartedly supports modern sustainable forest management practices, often the complexity and layering of numerous Codes, Guides and Standards can make compliance a challenging prospect.

“Across the industry, people want to do the right thing. It was important that we put something in place to help operators and permit holders alike understand their obligations – for the future of the forestry industry, and the forests we work in,” said Mr Stephens.

Designed for easy access via computer, phone or tablet, the website has been built to help operators (including harvesters, haulers and wood processing permit holders alike) to understand and meet their obligations through a suite of easy-to- follow training plans. Information is shared via downloadable guides and other resources with an emphasis on clarifying requirements across environmental, sustainable forestry, cultural heritage and workplace health and safety obligations.

With more training materials underway, further updates will be released on the website over the coming months and updates announced across Timber Queensland channels. Operators and permit holders are encouraged to check the site regularly and make use of training materials to ensure adequate competency standards in compliance for the benefit of their own operations, the forests and broader industry.

Source: Timber Queensland

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