Wood Transport & Logistics 2024 programme out

Friday 19 Jan 2024

Last year, well over 250 forestry and log transport delegates from companies across Australasia, North and South America and Europe met up in Rotorua, New Zealand. The occasion? The long overdue Wood Transport & Logistics 2023 conference, workshops and exhibitions.

With so much effort going into larger transport companies decarbonising their fleets and innovation and early adoption of electric, hydrogen and dual-fuel hybrid technologies by log transport operators in this part of the world, the Rotorua venue, inside and outside (view details and images from the 2023 event) was packed. The place was humming.

Feedback from speakers, delegates and exhibitors from the 2023 event overwhelmingly were looking for another technology update in 2024. The drivers? The sheer pace of change with new and emerging technologies, the operational and commercial trials underway by local heavy transport fleets and the rapid deployment of this technology into forests and wood cartage operations.

Planned format for 2024

All delegates from the 2023 event were looking for the industry to get-together again - one year on – to learn more about the commercial and operational trials – on and offroad – by heavy transport fleets using a raft of these new alternative fuels.

And, we’re delivering. Wood Transport & Logistics 2024 is planned to run in Rotorua, New Zealand on 22-23 May 2024. It will again be providing that independent platform for forestry companies, log harvesting operations and those involved in log transport to get together.

A conference and workshop programme for the two-day event can be viewed here.

Registrations to the event are now live. Click here for details.

For those equipment and technology suppliers looking to get in front of this part of the industry, both inside and outside exhibition spaces are still available. Further information and bookings can be made directly with gordon.thomson@fiea.org.nz

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