AU$137 million recycled pulp mill for Queensland

Friday 8 Dec 2023

A pulp mill using recycled fibre is set to be built in Australia that will then export the output material. An investment of AU$137 million is being made into what will be Australia’s largest paper recycling facility that will be located in South East Queensland. It is a joint initiative by Auswaste Recycling and the state of Queensland and Australian national Government.

The new facility will process an estimated 220,000 tonnes per annum of recycled waste paper and cardboard into pulp for export. The Australian Recycled Pulp and Paper Project (ARPPP) forms part of a AUD$1 billion plan to boost recycling infrastructure across the country, while supporting jobs and keeping valuable material out of landfill.

Construction of the ARPPP facilities is planned to commence mid-2024, and projected to be completed in the middle of 2025.

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