Eight NZ Wood Councils collaborate

Friday 1 Dec 2023

Wood Council’s (WCs) in New Zealand are now collaborating under a New Zealand Regional Wood Council Group Accord (Accord).

Eight WCs from the forest industry around New Zealand have signed an Accord to improve industry responsiveness and promote shared activity. The intent is to align and expand WC projects and elevate industry performance and success, in identified areas of common interest in the regions. The Industry Transformation Plan (ITP) calls for improvements to industry function and to grasp the full and unique potential offered by forest products in the necessary shift to a bioeconomy.

• Northland Wood Council
• Eastland Wood Council
• Hawkes Bay Forestry Group
• Southern North Island Wood Council
• Top of the South Wood Council
• Southern Wood Council
• Central North Island Wood Council
• Canterbury – West Coast Wood Council

Source: BANZ Bioflash

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