Giant pine scale eradication program underway

Friday 17 Nov 2023

The South Australian forest industries acknowledges the critical importance of implementing an effective eradication program against the giant pine scale (GPS) in Adelaide’s north eastern suburbs. “While we recognize the loss of tree canopies and urban forests is an unfortunate process, it is crucial that the giant pine scale insect is removed from our metropolitan trees before it spreads any further, as it would be a biodiversity disaster if this infestation reaches our plantation forests”, said Mr Nathan Paine, Chief Executive Officer of the South Australian Forest Products Association (SAFPA).

“Giant pine scale is a sap sucking insect that feeds on trees from the Pinaceae family, including pine, firs and spruces, and with 128,000 hectares of Radius Pine in South Australia, we need to protect the businesses and the livelihoods of those working in the forest and timber industries”, continued Mr Paine. “If this insect reaches any of our commercial pine plantations it would have a devastating impact on our state’s economy and regional communities.

Forestry in South Australia contributes almost AU$3 billion to the State’s economy, employs over 21,300 people and there are countless industries that heavily rely on our products, such as residential and commercial builders and the agriculture and horticulture industries to name a few”, said Mr Paine. “The South Australian Forest Products Association are grateful to be working with the South Australian Government on eradicating this biodiversity risk, as the removal of the infested trees will not only protect the industry it will also protect the local environment and the neighbouring urban forests that remain unaffected”, said Mr Paine.

“Thank you to the State Government and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (PIRSA) for implementing and acting swiftly to remove GPS affected trees from our community”, concluded Mr Paine.

Source: SAFPA

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