Survey: Fire risk in New Zealand’s carbon forests

Thursday 13 Jul 2023

In response to a query from the National Land Management Forum, Scion is currently investigating activities that occur in carbon forests that may contribute to fire risk in New Zealand.

The prospect of large-scale afforestation of “carbon forests” as a climate mitigation strategy has raised questions about the wildfire risk of carbon forests. Scion in association with Fire and Emergency New Zealand are undertaking a qualitative assessment of the fire hazard in terms of relative risk of ignitions and fire behaviour potential in carbon forests in New Zealand.

Scion is asking for assistance in identifying activities, from those who own or manage carbon forested lands. If you own or manage any New Zealand land in a carbon sequestration reward scheme (like the ETS), they’d love to hear about the activities that occur in your forests.

To participate in this survey before 28 July, click here.

Source: Scion

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