WoodChat #31: Defending Australia's forests

Friday 15 Dec 2023

FWPA's long-running WoodChat podcast has released a new episode focusing on biosecurity. You’ll hear about three exciting research initiatives aimed at improving Australia’s protection measures to help mitigate the risks posed to our forests by exotic pests and diseases.

Lucy Tran-Nguyen, GM of Partnerships and Innovation at Plant Health Australia, tells us about The National Forest Pest Surveillance Program – also known as Forest Watch Australia – which commenced on the 1st of July 2022, and recently completed its first full year of activity.

Lucy also told us about The MyPestGuide Trees app, which equips all forestry stakeholders with the tools to do their bit and help minimise the damage caused to Australian forests and trees by the presence of exotic pests and diseases.

In addition, you’ll hear from Dr Madaline Healey, Research Fellow at the University of the Sunshine Coast’s Forest Research Institute, about work to improve risk management for invasive forest pests and diseases right across the South East Asia region.

Other recent episodes reported on work to create a culture of smart manufacturing for wood products in Australia, as well as efforts to model the future and help minimise the impacts of bushfire events on forestry.

WoodChat is a great example of the commitment of FWPA to embracing a wide variety of ways to ensure the industry and beyond remain up to date with the most significant developments in the forestry and wood products space. Each episode contains in-depth expert insights on some of forestry’s most exciting innovations.

Click here to listen to this esposide of WoodChat. You can also listen to WoodChat on Soundcloud, iTunes and Spotify. We also encourage you to have a look at the other WoodChat episodes and create a playlist for your summer break.

Source: FWPA

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