2019 Marcus Wallenberg Prize for CLT researcher

Friday 5 Apr 2019

Professor Gerhard Schickhofer from the Institute of Timber Engineering and Wood Technology at Graz University of Technology, Austria is being awarded the 2019 Marcus Wallenberg Prize of SEK 2 million for research and knowledge transfer behind the stable and eco-friendly material, Cross-laminated timber, CLT.

Gerhard Schickhofer and his research team have played a leading role in establishing European standards and Technical Approvals for CLT production and use in industrial applications of wood construction.

CLT has radically transformed the view on construction and design in the wood building industry. Its orthogonal, laminar structure allows applications as full-size walls and floor elements as well as linear timber elements able to bear heavy loads.

The Prize Selection Committee of the Marcus Wallenberg Foundation states in its motivation that Gerhard Schickhofer has made scientific and engineering contributions required to standardize the development of CLT and enable its adoption as a building material.

Gerhard Schickhofer has also succeeded in transferring scientific knowledge to practical applications. His user-friendly software tools and handbooks have had a great influence in the field. The Institute of Timber Engineering and Wood Technology and the Competence Centre at the University of Technology in Graz also stand out by their application-oriented research. Both organisations provide the industry with technical support, testing and training.

Gerhard Schickhofer’s passion and commitment to the field of CLT have played a key role in raising the profile of wood for the construction of massive and tall structures. His work has been seminal in interpreting the technological opportunities of CLT to architects and designers, says professor Johanna Buchert, chairperson of the Selection Committee.

The 2019 Marcus Wallenberg Prize will be presented by HM the King of Sweden to Gerhard Schickhofer at a ceremony in Stockholm in October this year.

Photo: Prof. Gerhard Schickhofer is awarded the 2019 Marcus Wallenberg Prize. (Photo: Helmut Lunghammer @ Lunghammer - TU Graz)
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