Parks Victoria’s tough calls to mitigate impacts

Friday 27 Sep 2024

A radical new approach to climate adaptation may mean conceding that some Victorian landscapes cannot be saved.  Dr Mark Norman has started thinking of it as war-gaming.

“It’s like, what’s our strategy, what’s our tactic?” he says. “What do we do this summer for a bad fire? What do we do in five years’ time, knowing that this plant or this animal is in trouble – what have we set up as insurance so we don’t lose it completely?” Norman is Parks Victoria’s chief scientist, conservation and climate action – responsible for overseeing the ecological systems of the 3250 parks and reserves the organisation manages – and the war he speaks of is climate change.

Changes that used to take place over hundreds or even 1000 years are now taking place in a lifetime. From 300-year-old banksias on the Gippsland Lakes suddenly dying from higher soil salt levels from rising sea levels, to emerging “ghost forests” near Mt Hotham, climate change is, well, changing everything.

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Source: The Age

Bonus Parks Victoria Podcast: Closer to Nature - Episode 5: Resist Accept Direct, Tackling Climate Change

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