New hardwood timber manufacturing hub for Victoria

Friday 30 Aug 2024

A new hub making manufactured timber as strong as steel is being investigated in Australia’s ‘green triangle’.

Forestry companies Australian Bluegum plantations, Midway, and New Forests are collaborating with Green Triangle Forest Industries Hub (GTFIH) and the Victorian Forest Products Association (VFPA) to develop a hardwood timber manufacturing hub in Victoria’s Glenelg Shire that could utilise engineered soft and hardwood products.

The group has unveiled plans for feasibility studies that would support a business case to construct an integrated manufacturing hub, examining the best location close to existing facilities which could help grow a new regional hardwood engineered timber product industry.

Australian Bluegum Plantations CEO, Russ Hughes, said early research has shown a potential new hardwood manufacturing hub could create 40 full-time jobs as well as more than 100 jobs during its construction phase. He added that it would support new highly skilled jobs and boost the local economy while strengthening the forestry sector.

Midway managing director Tony McKenna said this manufacturing hub could support the development of a sustainable building product that could replace steel or concrete, providing the same durability with less embodied carbon.

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Source & image credit: AuManufacturing

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