Have your say on NZ's legal harvest assurance systemFriday 19 Apr 2024
New Zealand’s statutory legal harvest assurance system will cover forest owners, log traders, primary or first-stage processors, importers and exporters. It follows the enactment of the Forests (Legal Harvest Assurance) Amendment Act 2023 in May 2023 which will introduce a legal harvest assurance system into law through the Forests Act 1949. In preparation for formal consultation, MPI is using issues papers to seek feedback on the operational details required to implement the system. MPI want to gather a broad base of views on the ideas and assumptions that have been made in designing the details of how a New Zealand legal harvest assurance system will work in practice. The information gathered will be used to inform options for consultation on regulations to implement the legal harvest assurance system. Feedback on New Zealand’s Legal Harvest Assurance System, Issues paper one must be received by MPI no later than 5:00pm on 16 May 2024. The issues paper is available HERE. Legal harvest assurance systems are aimed at combatting trade of illegally logged timber. It is estimated that illegal logging accounts for up to 30% of global timber trade and contributes to more than 50% of tropical deforestation in Central Africa, the Amazon Basin and South- East Asia. More information on the legal harvest assurance system for timber available on the MPI website. Source: Te Uru Rākau - New Zealand Forest Service / Ministry for Primary Industries - Manatū Ahu Matua | ||
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