When it all falls down

Friday 19 Apr 2024

This video tells the story of how New Zealand Forest Managers (NZFM) in Turangi, New Zealand dealt with a 3.4million + ton wind blow event in the central north island. In the video everything from before the cyclone in Feb 2023, to the night of and right up to December 2023 has been covered.

Interviews detail how NZFM handled the extra crews, marketed the wood, how crews logged the wood, the struggles they had in logging and more. NZFM were approached to make this video to remember what they did for years to come. In this region most of us hear stories of cyclone Bola from guys that worked through it but not many would have seen any footage of the devastation.

ITPV wanted to make sure that as an industry we could look back and show future generations how it was done. ITPV thanks NZFM and everyone who helped with footage, interviews and information. They were especially happy to have Binky Ellis, Les Owens and Dave Flight join them all together for an interview and were saddened to hear of Dave's passing just recently and wish that he got to see it for himself. RIP Dave Thanks for coming in and being a part of this.

Source: ITPV_ Production, Youtube

Environmental Forestry 2024

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