11 million pine seedlings planted by FCNSW

Friday 18 Aug 2023

Forestry Corporation has almost completed a ground-breaking replanting program that has seen more than 11-million seedlings planted in the state’s pine forests this winter. Almost three years on from the Black Summer bushfires and the recovery effort in softwood plantations continues.

Forestry Corporation’s accelerated planting programs over the past three years have seen extensive replantings in state forests near Tumut, Bombala, Bathurst, Walcha and Grafton. In the Grafton Management Area since the 2019/20 bushfires, Silviculture Manager Ivan Gorman said more than four million pine seedlings have been replanted in fire-affected pine forests.

“Approximately 25 people have been involved in planting about a million seedlings across almost 900 hectares of land here at Grafton over a six-week period this winter,” Mr Gorman said. “We have replanted approximately 4000 hectares of the area that was impacted by the bushfires in 2020 and a total of four-million trees have been replanted in Grafton over the past four planting seasons.

“We are getting excellent results from recent plantings. It has been a bumper couple of years in terms of tree survival and seedling growth in wetter than average conditions,” he said. “As this season shows we are tracking well ahead of schedule in replanting bushfire-affected plantations,” he said.

Forestry Corporation’s hardwood division has also replanted 1.2 million seedlings over the past financial year across 1087-hectares of plantation forest.

Source: Forestry Corporation of NSW

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