CNI Generation Programme students graduate

Friday 4 Aug 2023

The third Generation Programme run at Toi Ohomai Institute NZ Tokoroa completed on Thursday 15 June with a 'Matariki' celebration. The Matariki cluster of stars signifies the start of the Maori New Year and Hiwa-i-te-rangi, one of those stars being associated with granting of wishes, and realising aspirations of the coming year.

The seven graduating students are now working towards realising their aspirations.

Zshawnee Uatuku took up a role with FAST Harvesting on Monday 19 June. Following in the footsteps of her mother, Lorraine or affectionately known as 'Aunty' - an accomplished machine operator at FAST Harvesting. Zshawnee was keen to get her boots on the ground and start her career in 'Forestry'. Zshawnee is the third Generation Programme graduate to be offered a role with FAST Harvesting. FAST have been a wonderful ambassador for the programme and along with all the support from our industry adds to its success.

Another student Cavelle Heat, the granddaughter of Lorraine or 'Aunty' is starting work experience with Brown Logging, another wonderful ambassador for the programme. Brown Logging also employs two other Generation Programme graduates, one being Rawiri Te Hiko. Rawiri took out the Generation Programme Graduate of the Year Award at the 2022 CNI Wood Council Forestry Awards. It was great to catch up with Rawiri on a recent trip with Peely and Cavelle to 'Crew 44' and hear Peely, one of the owners, describe Rawiri as awesome! No job too big or small, he just gets on with it and with everyone. Rawiri is a credit to the programme.

The Timberlands Ltd sponsored Generation Programme run at Toi Ohomai Institutes Waipa campus in Rotorua has also recently completed. This was a 'pilot' programme made possible through the support of Timberlands Ltd, the forest management company for the iconic Kaingaroa Timberlands Forest Estate. A partnership aimed to support delivery of one of Timberlands seven strategic Restorative Development Goals - Prosperous Communities: Help local communities become prosperous through the provision of an employment pathway....'

Late March six students embarked on this journey with five to graduate from the programme. Robert Delemere of Murupara was so keen to start his career in forestry that the Ministry of Education granted him an exemption to leave school before turning 16! Rob has sucessfully completed the programme and is now working full-time with Makov Enterprises Ltd, a Silviculture Contractor. The sole 'Wahine' Cinderah Halkyard McIvor, inspired by what she saw on the programme and more so who she met, has her sights set on becoming a machine operator. Cinderah has elected to further her forestry education and has signed up to the NZ Certificate in Forest Harvesting Operations (Level 3) - strand in basic machine and landing operations, Cinderah will learn to correctly operate, maintain and sharpen a chainsaw and cut logs to length and to safely operate a forestry machine.

For these students the opportunity to realise their aspirations was made possible through the financial support of Timberlands Ltd and the various field trips and presentations across all facets of Timberlands operation.

The Generation Programme is taking a break for the rest of this calendar year and they will be offering programmes in the first term of 2024. They are sincerely grateful to everyone who support the programme and our funders.

Source: Central North Island Wood Council

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