Australian Timber Skills Impact update

Friday 21 Sep 2018

The Australian Industry Skills Committee (AISC) has approved a number of new projects for 2018/19. For the timber and forestry industry there are the following projects:

Advances in Woodmachining Sawdoctoring Project: This project will assess the current skills requirements for wood machinists and sawdoctors as a result of technological developments and a business imperative to operate in a competitive environment. This project will result in revised woodmachining and sawdoctoring qualifications, which underpin industry’s apprenticeships and traineeships programs for these trades.

Sawmill Timber & Process Optimisation Project: This project will improve and develop new units of competency to address skills requirements for the optimisation within sawmills, relating to log sorting, sawing in the green mill, dry mill processing and grading and timber treatment.

Source: The News Mill, VAFI

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