FWPA industry research funding available

Friday 28 Apr 2017

If you have a collaborative research project that needs funding, Forest & Wood Products Australia (FWPA) and the Australian Government may be able to help. Matched Federal Government funding opportunities are available for industry research projects under a program that FWPA initiated.

Industry researchers are invited to apply for a share of AU$1.3 million voluntary matched Federal Government funding available for the 2017-18 financial year. Limited finds are also available for projects up to AU$100,000 for research projects commencing in 2016/17.

The Managing Director of FWPA, Ric Sinclair, said research was a vital element in growing a thriving and sustainable industry – and commended the Federal Government for its investment. “We know there are people in the industry with some innovative and valuable ideas, and are pleased to offer them the opportunity to access Federal Government funding that will help further their projects, growing jobs and profitability into the future,” he said.

“Relatively modest investments can yield huge rewards, and research projects already co-funded include acoustic testing of cross-laminated timbers; an exploration of using harvest waste for medicines; and tools to improve plant breeding – to give a few examples.”

The invitation is open to researchers proposing collaborative projects, with matched funding from the Federal Government being offered on a dollar-for-dollar basis. To be eligible, research projects must:

- Have voluntary cash contributions from at least two unrelated companies, where the money contributed has not originated from Federal or State Government funding;
- Align with industry and government research priorities;
- Make intellectual property created available to the industry at the project’s completion (NB there is no requirement to make availability free of charge); and
- Not constitute cost-shifting i.e. the research project must be additional activity, rather than research an organisation would have been conducting in any event.

To find out more about how to apply for research funding, contact FWPA R&D Manager Chris Lafferty on 0422 373 399.

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