Sawmilling tech series ready for September 2017

Friday 28 Apr 2017

Two years ago – over two weeks - FIEA’s WoodTECH conference series achieved a record turnout of sawmilling companies drawn from throughout Australia and New Zealand. Over 350 delegates from all major sawmilling companies in the region in addition to leading technology providers from throughout Australasia, North America and Europe converged on Melbourne, Australia and Rotorua, New Zealand.

Two years later, in September 2017, WoodTECH 2017 will again be attracting scanning and sawing technology specialists, innovators and leading practitioners from around the world. The two-day programmes will provide;

1. New Technology Updates.

A focused and independent platform will showcase the very latest in wood scanning, sawmilling, and mill optimisation technologies from around the globe. This will be achieved through a series of tailored presentations and on-site exhibitions.

Key companies involved in longer presentations include; USNR, US/Canada, Autolog, Canada, HewSaw, Finland, MiCROTEC, Italy, ScanWare, Sweden, JoeScan, USA. Shorter tech updates by local and international suppliers along with exhibitions are also planned.

2. World Class Workshops.

For the first time in Australia and New Zealand, a series of practical workshops have been set up for local mills. They’re aimed at sawmill production and operational staff. They’ll provide a unique insight into how sawmills can extract the best performance out of their saws, their machine centers and sawing operations. Workshops of between 60-120 minutes are being given on;

- Quality & lumber size control
- Troubleshooting and improving bandmill, gang and board edger performance
- Selecting, operating and maintaining log carriage and optimiser (softwood and hardwood) operations)
- Sawguide selection, installation, operation and maintenance

The objective this year is to encourage sawmill teams – management, mill production, saw-doctors and maintenance staff – to take advantage of the line-up of international specialists being brought into the region to work alongside local mills. This will ensure that teams can collectively put the practical learnings into practice once back on site.

Workshop presenters include; Nick Barrett, SiCam Systems, Canada, Joe Shields, USNR, USA, Harry Penn, USNR, Canada, Marv Bernhagen, Lewis Controls, USA, Chuck Boaz, Corley Manufacturing, USA Ralph Wijesinghe, (Author of the Bandmill Book),Canada Josh Bergen, Precision Manufacturing, Canada, Udo Jahn, Modern Engineering, Canada.

A series of key international tech providers are also now being lined up as part of the TECH talks sessions in the programme on both sides of the Tasman.

Full details on the programme in both countries and each of the workshops can now be found on the event website,

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