Pledge for Australian recycled paper

Friday 3 Aug 2012

AFPA is strongly endorsing recent plans by Australian Paper to build a major paper recycling facility at Maryvale to more than triple the volume of Australian made recycled paper. As part of the project, Australian Paper is calling for public support by signing or sharing their online pledge.

Thousands of people have already taken a stand for Australian made recycled paper but more ‘signatures’ would help. Public support for Australian made recycled paper will help secure this positive investment. Australian Paper is recording the total number of signatures as part of their feasibility study to demonstrate that Australians want this investment to happen. This study is part of the company’s Future Fibre Strategy.

If the Maryvale plant goes ahead it would more than triple Australian Paper's use of de-inked recycled fibre and divert up to 80 000 tonnes of waste paper from local landfill every year. It would also support up to 20 jobs and 60 in supply chain and collection. A further 60 jobs would be created during the construction phase.

Given the importance of this project to the future of development in the paper manufacturing industry in Australia, AFPA is encouraging all industry members to member communities to get online and sign the pledge.

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