BC City now owners a pulp mill

On September 29, the City of Prince Rupert became the new owners of the Watson Island Pulp Mill and the majority of land on Watson Island after Sun Wave Forest Products failed to pay the more than $6.4 million owed in back taxes by the tax sale deadline.

Along with the ownership comes maintenance and upkeep on the 270 hectares and the mill, which chief financial officer Dan Rodin said is estimated at approximately $100,000 per month, until council decides what direction to go with it.

"The ultimate result would be an operating mill, but I think the community gave up on that some time ago" said acting mayor Kathy Bedard. Sun Wave purchased the pulp mill on June 15, 2006, and was offered relief from property taxes and the taxes owed to the City provided the mill was operational by the end of 2007. However, the mill was never restarted and taxes never paid. Source: Tree Frog Daily Forestry News

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