Website promoting forestry draws young people

Friday 18 Sep 2009

In this part of the world we're always looking for new and innovative ideas to communicate and attract students to look at forestry and wood products as a future career option. Check out a new initiative being used in New Brunswick called Go Forestry! It's a new interactive website aimed at students and career counselors and was launched in New Brunswick during National Forest Week. It drew in visitors from 35 countries in the first four weeks that it was active.

The province invested US$120,000 in the development of the website and an accompanying promotion, including a four-week Internet advertising campaign that immediately followed the unveiling. The on-line ads, which focused on popular youth-oriented web and social networking sites, proved very successful. In the first month, there were 3,957 visitors who, on average, looked at three pages on the site. Find Your Career, Ask a Professional Forester and Tree Trivia were popular choices.

Information packages went to career counselors throughout the province in conjunction with the launch of the website. A video promoting forestry careers was also prepared and can be viewed on the website at

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