Lessons from world experts in sawing technologies

Friday 18 Sep 2009

The SawTech 2009 two-yearly programme finished in Melbourne this week with the New Zealand leg of the series finishing on Thursday 10 September. In the last two weeks, sawmilling companies have been treated to the best line-up of leading sawing and saw technology providers yet seen in Australasia.

Sawmillers have been treated to eye-opening presentations on technologies that have been developed and used commercially in sawmills throughout the world. Presenters from Sweden, Finland, France, Austria, Germany, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand detailed tools and technologies that were appropriate to local sawmilling operations and the wood resource being processed.

Primary log breakdown, secondary processing, saw machine centre improvement, lumber trimming, sorting and stacking technologies and the very latest in circular and band-saw saw designs have been profiled and discussed by around 200 sawmillers over the last couple of weeks.

For those who missed the series, limited copies of the full sets of proceedings which can be used as a ready reference on the new technology on offer can be ordered here.

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