Practical workshops set up for NZ industry associations

Friday 28 Mar 2008

Three industry associations - Forest Industry Contractors Association, Forest Industry Engineering Association and the NZ Timber Design Society are combining forces to offer a series of popular and practical workshops in April in the middle of the North Island - Taupo. The two one-day workshops are running back-to-back. Discounts are available for attending both workshops.

The two workshops are Practical Leadership Workshop on Thursday, 17 April and a Negotiating -(Stage 1) Workshop being held on Friday 18 April. Employers are encouraged to send supervisors or crew bosses who have been promoted into the role in the last year to the leadership workshop. Anyone in a management position involved in doing negotiating or working in a role that involves a lot of communication with managers from other companies should be attending the negotiation workshop. Good discounts apply to people attending both days or for 2 or more people attending either workshop.

Copies of the two flyers for both workshops are attached above. For further information contact Gordon Thomson at Ph: 07 921 1380 or

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